Why doesn't Yas Forums play X-Piratez?

Why doesn't Yas Forums play X-Piratez?
>400+ hours long
>1000+ different items
>the most autistic research tree ever created in any game ever
>combat is exponentially more challenging than braindead weeb SRPGs
>completely lacking in restraint, most of the images in the game are softcore porn or cropped hentai, the humanist faction is literal swastica waving nazis, had topless snake women before xcom 2, most factions are some form of busty anime girls, can light people on fire or capture them and make them slaves
>instead of being some hero mary sues, you just fly around in your spaceship and rob people
>amazing OST (youtu.be/ZO2o2HFt92s)
>kino graphics
So Yas Forums, what is your excuse? Why aren't you playing this game RIGHT NOW?

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Because it's bad.

How is it bad? :)

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Because it's relatively hard to get into, and doesn't hold your hand. It may not require the same level of autism as Dorf fort or Aurora, but it still is too much for Yas Forums.

It doesn't interest me. I love OpenXCOM and I want a more detailed XCOM experience. Not some silly porn-inspired pirate game. Just not my thing.

You wrote it off before even trying it? It's extremely good.
It's not "porn-inspired." It's just a hot-blooded game that doesn't answer to anyone.

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I honestly had an easier time with dorf fort than x-piratez.

It's better overall designed x-com experience than, say, xcom files. But I won't judge your hate of boobs, fagget.

Nice downvote, reddit.

>400+ hours long
Because no game needs to be that long

Why not?

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You didn't give me a download link retard.

Boy Yas Forums really turned into a bunch of faggots, i'll tell you what

>Not some silly porn-inspired pirate game.
I thought it would be porn. It isn't. So I was initially disappointed.
But the game is pretty damn excellent, so in the end it wasn't disappointing in the slightest.

Here is everything you need:

I wish I had time to sink into this kind of experience again...

I can't stand the Geoscape UI. Managing all that shit feels like a chore to me, I guess I'm too used to modern QoL additions and friendly navigation.
It's a problem when you're equipping your ship and soldiers but you can't see weapon and soldiers stats simultaneosly.
Xenonauts 2 can be soulless, but so far its Geoscape UI is far superior. Autism simulators like Football Manager have a good UI despite the huge ammount of data displayed.
Is too much to ask for a UI mod for X-Com.
Also the art is shit and probably there are better solutions than spend 1 hour reading the bootypedia before start playing.

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>Also the art is shit
it looks great
>probably there are better solutions than spend 1 hour reading the bootypedia before start playing
how can you bitch about OPTIONALLY reading 1 hour worth of material for a 400 hour long game so you can have a slightly faster start?

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Maybe, but the premise and style and theme don't interest me so I don't play it.

You can hold alt while hovering cursor over weapon in equip screen to get damage calculated for currently selected soldier. Top left on the same screen for soldier stats. Other than that, middle-clicking on staff and q to search should take care of all your needs.

Post a bootypedia pic, you coward cherrypicker

>Why aren't you playing this game RIGHT NOW?
I'm not a mentally ill incel like you

I am posting pictures of the literal game. If I'm a cherrypicker, prove it.
You don't have to beat it in one sitting.

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Then why are you even here?

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Because OG XCOM is superior to this coomer anime girl shit.

>xcom good
>xcom with tits bad

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>I'm not a mentally ill incel
>comes into a thread about the game he never heard of to cry
You sure sound like one lmao.


I am going out to buy some pierogies. When I get back all of Yas Forums better be playing Piratez or there will be hell to pay.

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>Why doesn't Yas Forums play X-Piratez?
I could never get into it, it just seems way too tedious even compared to Vanilla.

I choose to believe this is the cannon sequel to "OG" xcom. The aliens win and enslave humanity, then ripped amazonian super mutant women with fat tits escape a testing facility and save the world by plundering it until it turns into a third world shithole and alien hegemony collapses.

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i've got xcom/open xcom but haven't gotten around to it nevermind x-piratez or the long war

i should tho

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i bet you gobbled up nucom, you zoomer faggot

Can you enjoy if you haven't played the og xcom before?

I do own nu-xcom. haven't tried that either and don't own xcom 2 yet tho.

the new xcom spinoff with playable aliens looks shit

I haven't had any pressing urges to figure out xcom bc of disgaea 4/5 for switch

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