ITT: greys in vidya

ITT: greys in vidya

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ayy lmao

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Best ayy.
The first thing you do when you wake the fucking alien up? He makes a big head joke and then helps you shoot your way out of Area 51.


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Dark colony is kino

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dude fuck you youre the one whos fucking grey

I never see this game get any love and I fucking used to play this non stop as a kid

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>Microsoft literally does nothing with the series other than the HD port and a shitty prequel that basically took a shit on everything that made the original so good
It's not fair bros...

>"Oh no my UFO is only single seater"
>"Plus it's got no style, know what I'm saying?"

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I hope this is the start of another comfy /x/ thread on Yas Forums


bros I wanna get abducted by some greys and live with them going from galaxy to galaxy finding other life forms so bad

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brayyns lmao

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I only played this game until your squad gets offed and you get AYYed, after that I didn't really care anymore because I was more interested in a squad game than a solo thing.

>The soldiers sound like some demonic monster to the greys
holy kino
I wish we had more conspiracy games. Nothing gets my hairs standing more than gubment conspiracy unironically.

yeah why did they introduce your squad and set it up as if it'd be you and the boys taking on area 51 but kill your squad off by the midway?

It either just got or is getting a remaster isn't it user?

This game scared the shit out of me.Not because it's scary, but grey aliens for some reason make me really uncomfortable.

It is and I am absolutely stoked. Supposed to come out some point this year, and it's on steam, so that'll be something to tide me over.

the remaster for this looks really fucking good. I rented this game only a couple times but I still plan on getting it

Anyone else feel as though the only real way to establish human dominance over greys is to first violently rape them?

It's literally got so much love that it's getting a remaster..

but what if rape enhances their mind control capabilities? then we'd be in some trouble

You can't honestly believe an ayy could resist hot monkey dick, can you?

I meant on here mate

People play survival horror for the story and atmosphere, not the gameplay. It's always been the least fun part of each one.
Just keep Metroid as a shooter/platformer and call it good.

you're probably right. the first three things any being would want to do making first contact with another species is to talk to it, touch it, and then fuck it

if I'm not mistaken, U.S. Air Force developed this game.