Imagine paying 60$ for a game you can finish in under an hour

Imagine paying 60$ for a game you can finish in under an hour.

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We used to do it all the time. Super Mario World could be finished in one hour by finding the secret in Donut Plains 1, and it wasn't even all that obscure.

Nigger there are people who pay thousands of USD for what barely constitutes as a game.

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Imagine playing one path and calling the game done


I remember renting this game and being super excited to play it because I loved Yoshi's Island so much.

And then I played it and I was so disappointed.

Imagine buying a game without renting it first in the late 90s.

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if you weren't such a fucking zoomer you would know games didn't cost $60 when yoshi story came out

Meanwhile, I can put five dollars into a pinball machine, and play that for an hour.

Your mom finished in one second on my dick LOL

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Yoshi’s story was based af, I bet you didn’t even all-cantaloupe all of the levels or unlock the black and white yoshis

Inflation retard

>t. retarded underage pretending to not be underage

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This is one of the worst sequels in gaming history, imagine going from Yoshi's Island to this

What went wrong?

That's a pretty retarded statement considering inflation actually made them comparatively more expensive

Fuck Yoshi’s Island and fuck baby mario. At least Story didn’t actively annoy me.

Just don't play it so fast then.

how long does nier automata last?

Yoshi's Story is one those games that filters casuals. The all melon runs of levels is the true challenge while being able to just eat any other fruit is to ensure casuals can pick up and play and have fun with little trouble.

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the game is still shit

Who here unlocked Purple Yoshi? You get him by collecting all heart coins.

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t. casual

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i honestly really enjoyed yoshi's story, thought the artstyle was great and so was the music, and i sure as hell didn't complete it in an hour as a kid

don't think i've seen anything other than hate for it though. sad times.

uhh no the game just sucks

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This was a good game though. Rather play it than evil souls or whatever the fuck it is zoomers like these days.

>being filtered by a Yoshi game

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it's not about being filtered, it's about how yi is the only actually decent yoshi game

I remember shitting myself when I discovered black yoshi on my own. Had no idea he was in the game.

Yeah, they were, and even more expensive. you underage faggot

Fuck that final boss.

>Always reluctant to go to jungle puddle due to insta-death by getting eaten by fish

Any place with invincible kill-fish unnerves me.

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That stage scared me as a kid because of that fish.

It's easy as fuck, just throw the bombs at the ceiling at spam throw when Baby Bowser is on the ground.

Fuck this faggot in Mario 64 too

Not even the worst Yoshi game

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That's not New Island

>Tilt Controls
How the fuck did that work?

No joke, I Forgot that existed.

they put a sensor in the cart

that's not a fucking game that's exploitation and digital robbery. this shit should have been made illegal like 10 years ago.


video games are so god damn disposable.

Bubba was scarier than the Eel in 64

That game made me terrified of Dorrie too. It sets a bad precedent with large fish.

Yoshi's Story is my mom's favorite game. She was ecstatic when I gave her and my dad an HDMI modded N64, they hadn't played any N64 titles since I was a little kid. She got all melons on every stage, we still have the cart with her completed file on it.

Fun fact: that fish had a golf course in Mario Golf 64.

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It had a special cartridge which detected the tilting.
Even some GBC games had something similar. Top Gear Rally had a rumble feature, for example.

>All melons on every stage
And here I thought this was gonna be a story about how she was able to get into it because it was cute and casual-friendly.

Your mom sounds like a cool lady.

I will never forgive this game for making Yoshi what he is like today.

>evil fish in water
>piranha plants everywhere
Fuck living in the mushroom kingdom

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>gets to eat black shy guys/eggs are explosive
I felt like a "my dad works at nintendo" kid when I found him
that fish needs to burn in hell