Name a better engine

Name a better engine
Go ahead I'll wait

Attached: RE_ENGINE_Logo_png_jpgcopy.jpg (1800x1925, 365.62K)

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UE4 since it's basically retard proof.

Attached: CVyC1azWwAAR6MK.jpg_orig.jpg (1592x1793, 668.37K)

That was quick and easy.

Attached: giphy76a13.gif (400x267, 2.13M)

Decima from Guerrilla is pretty neat, I like how it ran Death Stranding, FOX for MGS V was great too, Northlight from Remedy for Control has potential, but the current gen consoles are holding it back.

Even UE4 is a better engine. How the fuck do the devs at Clueless Capcom not understand their own engine and have fucked up hair?

Completely unrelated, what do you think of this photo?

Attached: tankCHAD.jpg (2048x1330, 531.82K)

Hair looks horrible

Attached: Mia_Winters_in_Farm_House.jpg (428x598, 31K)

MT Framework



>muh blue tint bf3
fuck you metro is sexy

For what? This doesn't seem to excel at anything that any other engine can. Frostbite, Unreal Engine, Northlight, and Id Tech all either run better or look better (some both)

Pretty much. A studio that hadn't released a full length game in over a decade used it.

Attached: DEADDONTRIDE_UE4.jpg (1777x999, 222.33K)

"small block" 302 cu in (4.9 L) V8

Was Days Gone made in UE4?

Not UE4

It makes me cry. It's a masterpiece. It's an insane act of defiance for the better. I don't even have the bravery to tell someone my fries are soggy from my combo meal. Fuck communism, Fuck China.

Hey, Uncharted Golden Abyss is good. I'd much rather have had them make 4 instead of Druckmann and his cronies.

RE Engine better? That's a good joke.

Oh, fuck. My bad. I thought it was UE4, what is it then?

UE4 is fucking garbage


looks fine by me...but i didnt saw in movement to be sure

based. but you know the chevy 350 went further in terms of engine development.

It is unreal 4

Mmm, no.
UE4 is pretty shitty.

>Turns formerly beautiful woman into ugly looking trannies in your path

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Maybe. But atleadt it ended the era of shoddy Jap PC ports.

Yea, but it has those dumb touch controls on a niche handheld, so I wouldn't consider it AAA, but I heard people loved Golden Abyss alot too.
eh, the Druckmann meme is hit or miss, I feel both Bend and Guerrilla wanted to make their games before TLOU came out.


>the creepy incest homunculus gets made as ugly as her origin
>based Lady makes the transition relatively unscathed

Attached: Lady DMC5.png (1000x1718, 1.08M)

Attached: 200px-Fox_Engine_logo.png (200x221, 29.44K)

>But atleadt it ended the era of shoddy Jap PC ports.
Not really.
Plenty of Jap ports still suck, the only difference now is that they also suck on consoles and look like glorified last gen games.

Lady looks great in stills but her animations look off

Attached: lady.jpg (1280x720, 86.44K)

It's all thanks to the shitty dithering effect they put on it. To get it looking right you need to turn on AA but it makes the rest of the game look all smudgy and blurry.

True Story.

RE Engine is a fucking masterwork though. It's smooth as hell and looks fantastic.

I'd also give say Luminous had potential but nothing panned out.

You didn't say AAA, you said full length.
Outside of the shitty forced gimmick controls, there's nothing really holding GA back. It has high production values for a handheld game. If they just had Bluepoint put out a PS4/5 port with regular controls, it would do very well.

Still a downgrade from that diamond hard inducing model of 4.

Luminous? Are you serious? It was cringe from the get-go. The animations were stiff and lifeless.

Ah yes all those wonderful fighting game ports where the game speed is still tied to framerate.

yeah, the game is primarily built for consoles that have AA turn on by default, so the hair looks fine on consoles, but fucked on PC when the crappy AA is turned off

I'm not too big on her 4 design. Lady shouldn't wear white pants.
3 > 5 > 4

Attached: devil may kiss.png (1224x792, 78.05K)

Days gone uses UE4 you god damn idiots.

it bothers me that the ring finger looks stumpy so i shitpost about 2r and 3r being demakes.


Standing on a dock and fishing at twilight are my favorite moments in XV and it was almost worth the price of admission itself.

When it gets right it gets right. Max comfy.

I'd like to re-iterate my use of "potential".

>tfw Fox Engine is being held hostage by Konami
the lighting on that engine was amazing at the time - felt like the issues regarding the aliasing could be fixed with further development

Now it's just stuck making PES games

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