Can you stop?

Can you stop?

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Imagine the smell

Back when speedrunning was for chads

I get that it was a charity event thing, but she was completely in the wrong.

>hya hya hyaaaaaaa

>Back when speedrunning was for chads
no it fucking wasn't

it was for autistic nerds to stroke their own cocks for playing games to the point of caring about shit like frame data or whatever
even as someone who has played games since i was 4 this shit was always boring or cringe

link it goddammit


underage newfaggots

>implying anyone is jealous of a community known for either cringe or the ugliest trannies in the planet


The most entertaining runners are trannies like Lizstar and PMG. The cis male runners are all awkward nerds.

This post makes autists angry. Click here to find out why.

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Can you believe this happened 10 years ago? Where has the time gone?

Time flies when you're a speed running faggot.

>I get that it was a charity event
No need to give context or excuse it. Only simps and SJWs defend her. Any normal human with a modicum of proper social development understands that what she did is extremely rude and self-centered

>try to find entertaining white noise on youtube
>censors FUCK with shitty sound effects etc.
I hate the self-censorship people do now a days more than anything. Its unnatural and ugly to listen to, and why are they desperate to appease jewtube? Doesn't everyone just open up a pateron or some other outside money source to donate towards?

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Why are trannies like this?

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Crimson chin

>Oh hey I can abuse glitches to complete this game faster than it was intended! Aren't I talented?
peak autism

sex addiction and mainstream society hiding away the negative effects of hedonistic lifestyles. worse still is anyone who gives even the most neutral response will be labeled "homophobic" for not 100% enabling their behaviors.

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wasn't this the year when the tolki thing happened? back when speed running was for cucks

Post the copypasta, you know the one

If that autist had a single friend, they could've sat on the couch with him. I feel worse for that annoying guy that got shut down than that attention seeking bitch.


now is for trans

>The cis male runners are all awkward nerds.
they're comfy and nostalgic at this point

>wh*te """""males"""""

when you spend all your lifetime jerking off and not having any physical contact with people you'll be looking for new ways to get off and lose your identity walking the path of degeneracy. why do you think here on Yas Forums we have furfags, faggots and trannies?

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Do you have a version that isn’t for ants?

>TFW ScottFalco and Andy are both chads but consequentially they are both insufferable A-Holes when they break character

Whoops, I thought you meant chibi. I feel bad for that dude finding out his fiance was a whore too.

Anyone have the link of cosmo doing “yoga” underneath a sheet and ripping that huge fart on stream

This seriously half a fucking hour of him bitching about it
Jesus christ what a fag

Also someone please link me a goddamn video for OP's pic

legendary rant
anyone have the video of that fucking psycho playing Crash II? GDQ removed it for some reason

Click the image, dumbass

>needing to be spoonfed
based literal faggot

"I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet, but yes you are correct."

Is this the most cringe speedrun-related video?
Imagine being on that sofa

It’s still blurry as shit, nig nog
