User... why did you let me die?

user... why did you let me die?...

Attached: dusty-PS-vita-playstation-vita-sad-face-sad-14225323634.jpg (550x367, 109.43K)

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I still play my vita

Because you suck. You always sucked. You should have never been released. It wasn't even as much of a release, more like a technological abortion.

no ape escape

Because I'm not spending $100 for a sony SD card

I owned one and never used it. I do wonder when we enter mid PS5 era, if Sony will release another handheld or not.

Let you die? You committed suicide

SD2Vita exists now moron

The Playstation TV was less expensive and better in every way. There was no reason to even get a Vita outside of it's portability.

Your sticks started ghosting on me and I'm too lazy/cheap to order new ones and replace them.

Attached: v1gnpptr6jv11.gif (270x404, 2.74M)

good things always end fast

I didn't, I've been playing the Patapon games on you all week.

Attached: Patapon_image.png (360x450, 85.31K)

Nah they must have realised that phones and nintendo have them beaten in this territory

vita tan is the cutest

Attached: vitaboot.webm (1920x1080, 2M)

How in the name of fuck? Teach me these ways.

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It's quite easy

If you haven't hacked your vita get hencore setup then downgrade to 3.60 and setup enso

and how long did that take?

I lost the charger. I'm sorry...

Literally still getting game(s) in 2020

Attached: andistillhave3more.jpg (2016x3024, 1.81M)

Your battery makes you immortal as I charged you 2 months ago and your only at 50%.

Quit whining and recommend me some games as I just installed CFW on you. Don't care if its moonrunes only.

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I'm still pissed that non of the DLC for Binding of Isaac came out.

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I found a better depository for my pornographic material.

Where did you get the blue and red vita? All I got is the lame white one and I want a different color

play criminal girls with the uncensor patch

Good recommendation but I already played it on PC a while ago.

not him but theyre quite hard to get in the west at good prices these day i'd recommend checking out and looking in their auction section postage is a bit expensive but it should still be a lot cheaper

steins gate and 0 if you haven't played them idk what else thats all ive really played on my vita

Pretty easy to find considering I have 3 blue ones

Attached: allswitch.jpg (4032x3024, 723.13K)

Just buy a sd2vita and a 64gb sd card. What i'm in for?

I bought 2. Meanwhile my 3DS broke and I still don't feel like replacing it. Vita won in my eyes

doesn't matter, it happened
now stop crying about the price

I occasionally boot you up because I have porn downloaded on you but I lost the charger

the SD2Vita probably dying in a few months time
Hope you got some extra adapters

Sony let it die
>proprietary memory costs way more than any micro sd
>the only game sony gave it was a shitty uncharted spinoff
Seriously why couldn't they at least bother giving it one worthwhile exclusive?

>autistic weebing your handheld so much that you cant bring it outside
peak aspergers

why would i not take it outside

every time someone makes a vita thread you post this. is it to validate the fact that you bought the same console 45 times? i dont get it. do you want to be envied? what do you gain from this?

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I'm sorry. Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 was kino

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A pretty good time. That should hold quite a few games.
