Fallout New Vegas

New Vegas bread.
How do you guys feel about mods like DUST?

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I found it an enjoyable novelty having played through the main story so many times. it was fun going through the mojave and piecing together just how shit went wrong

ive never played any super expansive mods that add story lines or anything

i used to feel like it would be worse than any official release so why bother, but after 4 and 76 i might as well try some, what would you fellas recommend?

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I've actually been playing DUST for the first time lately, which is why I made this thread, and have been having a lot of fun with it. It's obnoxiously difficult at times, but setting of a bad end Mohave kinda justifies it. Slowly peicing together what went wrong and what's happened to a lot of the NPCs and places you've grown to love from throughout multiple playthroughs is an interesting experience as well.

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ill give it a look, thanks bud

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DUST is alright but the difficulty is retarded especially when you throw endless tunnelers into the mix I liked the setting and the sanity and hallucination mechanics but I wish there was more to it than just tunnelers, wendigo, and cannibals

I discovered Jsawyer Ultimate a few days ago and I'm enjoying it as is. I dont want more artificial difficulty.

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Fyi, Gopher is making a modding new vegas in 2020 series
Highly reccomended though I don't use that much new weapon mods. But if you played few years ago do check it out, there are many new mods, concerning bug fixes etc that are released post 2015.

and play it too for its almost a decade old!

All of Someguy2000's mods. They start rough but by the time you get to Bounties 2 and The Promise you're playing mods that roughly equal the quality of Obsidian's writing and design.

hell yeah thanks for the tip

I really like it but for some reason it crashes every 30-20 minutes

DUST is spooky as fuck if you download all of the recommended mods besides the ones that add friendly NPCs and shit. New Vegas character creator can make some really fucked up looking abominations kek.

Tale of Two Wastelands. If it's not compatible with that, I don't play it.
I don't think DUST is compatible.

Dust is the best new vegas mod period

Roll it up.

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When are we going to get a HD rerelease of New Vegas? Is that Fallout 4 total conversion mod done yet and can I use it with a pirated copy of FO4?

I acknowledge the effort that goes into mods like that, but I'd rather play STALKER for that type of experience.

roll me up

never. High chance it will never be completed. And most likely


Devs are complete fucking retards deciding to re-dub literally every line from NV with random amateurs to avoid copyright, so it will never be done and if it does get finished it will be shit.

I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark would you?

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Couldn't they avoid copyright by making the mod unvoiced by default and having voices as a separate mod?

Yes, which is exactly what TTW did with all of its assets. Hence, F4NV devs are complete fucking retards.

I'm in the mood to revisit this game. I've not played it in years. How many mods am I going to need to get it running smoothy?

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>How many mods am I going to need to get it running smoothy?
Stutter remover, 4gb patch, NVSE and a couple of bug fix mods.


Awesome, thanks user.

Now lets see what i'm playing:

Just to run smoothly, then probably not more than 10. Just bug fixes and tweaks to minimize the crashes.

If you're gonna mod to add everything you like plus sink, you're definitely gonna do more than 115 mods.

something ultra gay with arcade

Rollin for dat build