Why didn’t someone told me this game was so good ?

why didn’t someone told me this game was so good ?

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They tried. But "hur dur shooter bad."

I’m having fun like if I was a kid again.

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Because it's not anymore.

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>he took anonymous poster seriously

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Why is this what ultimately any game with unlockable skins comes down to in time?

I’ve been playing IQ and also thinking about picking up Tachanka

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Meh, I played it during a free week. You search for a game, find it, everybody is rushing into the building, game is over in like 1 or 2 minutes. Search for another game for 5 minutes repeat.
I spent more time in the lobby than the actual game.
Made me weep there for a second, the same happened to my beloved Planetside 2. Ugh... it hurts so much... ugh...

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>Corner peeking : the game

I stopped playing when they started removing classic maps from the rotation. The new maps have 0 strategy involved and are "whoever shoots first wins".

Rainbow six siege plays like you would take any Battlefield map, just take one building of it and make a 5vs5 out of it with no respawns.

Wait, devs don't allow you to block certain skins on your end?

Because it's trash.


>why didn’t someone told me this game was so good ?

Because the more you learn about how the game actually works the more you dislike it

The more you play the worse it gets. It's a sad truth, really.
However because i just love the shit out of the gameplay i still find it fun as hell.

Mr. bones would disagree, and he is the only skin that matters.

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the higher the rank you get the shittier the game becomes so have fun while it lasts

>Meh, I played it during a free week. You search for a game, find it, everybody is rushing into the building, game is over in like 1 or 2 minutes. Search for another game for 5 minutes repeat.
>I spent more time in the lobby than the actual game.
Sorry user, but you're just garbage at the game and should git gud.

It would be alright if you didn't spend 60% of the game in the lobby after every round.

>the higher the rank you get the shittier the game becomes so have fun while it lasts
>EVER playing Ranked in modern competitive games
Are you into self-harming, by any chance?

Not him but even casual has hidden MMR. Eventually you will play against nothing but sweaty plats.

As easily countered as it is there's something extremely satisfying about the thunk thunk of fuze's grenades, less so if a hockey puck decides to bounce weird and hit you/your teammate/the hostage, although in the last case I'd have to wonder why you'd bring fuze in a hostage map

After the honeymoon period it becomes incredibly stale.
Wish someone else would try and replicate it, I find the actual combat part of Siege to be the worst part about it. Ubi have always made trash feeling FPS.

Fuze is just a pure force of destruction. All you want is to blow up shit and harm everyone in the process.

Will they ever make a proper R6 game, one that comes even close to tactical realism with some trademark Tom Clancy operators operating operationally?

Never. Ready or Not is releasing soon though.

after enough time all the seriousness is gone and it's easy money
if they didn't they're game would be completely dead. they milk it for what it's worth first then when people aren't enjoying it anymore they do shit like this
I'd love if they just made extremely fucking aesthetic designs instead but shit like that will always make more news and money because "look how ridiculous it is"

Guess I missed the boat, the game seems al right.

Can't happen soon enough, I want to CQC with a full length M16A2/4 and MP5 (preferably with accessories zip-tied to it)

You should have played it during Operation Health. it got only worse afterwards.

It's not.
t. played it off and on for almost three seasons

Am I retarded for not being able to tell the difference between 1 and 3 defense? Seems like even playing Rook and equipping the armor doesn't make much of a difference. I also can't react for shit in many 1v1 situations. Just as I turn to peek around a corner, leaning and walking slowly, I'm dead in a fraction of a second after I see an enemy. Is this only a problem on my end?

Why didn't someone told you how to speak English?