Oh, gonna pick normal difficulty instead of hard again huh?

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For you, I always pick hard.

no i'm gonna pick easy

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I don't have time to waste on hard things.

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I'm hard right now

Yes, I want to experience the games as the developers intended.

Why would anyone in their right minds care about what difficulty setting another person plays on?

in relation to her size, even a grown man's thumb would not fit in that condom. 2/10 would not commission from

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not everyone's penis is as big as their thumb

I always pick the hardest difficulty

But user you don't understand she's a giant loli

Yes and theres nothing you can do about it tranny

Why do you think souls garbage is so popular

I only care about story.
>g-go read a book
But my anime saving the world plot never happens in modern novels.

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The image was clearly drawn by an asian man


Hardest difficulty is for replays.
I pick the second hardest if it is available, though.

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In most games normal difficulty allows you to ignore all the mechanics of the game and still beat it. Hard mode is the disguised normal mode to not hurt anybody's feelings. Super hard mode is new game +.

>Select hard difficulty
>All it does is increase or decrease certain number values instead of introducing new mechanics, places or enemy strategy's
No thanks.

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god what i would do to her

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>select hard difficulty
>enemies get faster and more aggressive
>they start respawning

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Lillie is literally perfect, i can't believe you niggers replaced her for the absolute shitstain that is Marnie

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no, im gonna pick easy

she was never replaced. although i don't look forward to her eventual return as an adult

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go back to sleep, bitch

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I don't know, i haven't checked a poke girls thread in a while because all of them were full of Marniggers and almost no Lillie
They won't dare, they know riots would ensue if they do that

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i don't put anything past GF these days. the only thing they're good for is making waifus now.

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