Can we talk about REmake?

Can we talk about REmake?

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imagine being remade before RE engine lmao

>jill ending: Barry, Chris, Jill escape.
>chris ending: Rebbeca, Jill, Chris escape.
So both endings are non canon?

It's some lame shit where both are considered canon in certain ways. Same with RE2.

sure, it's one of my favorite games. what do you want to talk about OP?

they need to remake this game again I couldn't play this with its shitty tank controls and obtuse design

The only good Remake in the series.

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I want to talk about Jill’s asshole
I finished this game again just to get Jill costume from 3. I’m thinking on trying survival or hard mode but idk which one

If I could beat this game three times then you can too

who doesn't though? but i would go with hard mode first so you have a better idea of what you're getting into for real survival. you'll know exactly which items you need to bring and how to keep your inventory stocked so you aren't running back to an inventory box that's on the other side of the map.

you can literally play without tank controls in the remastered version dumb-dumb

But I can play with tank controls and i am still dumb. explain that

There is a small drop in quiality after leaving the mansion and there another drop after leaving the guest house. When is Capcom going to make a RE which takes places entirely in one big ass mansion?

imagine calling it the RE engine but it's not used to make actual RE games rofflecopter


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Jill just does not look good in this game. Voth looks fine, but they really messed up her nose especially when they were making the 3d model.

>play on Mountain Climbing difficulty
>reach shotgun room
>take shotgun
>head out
>trap starts
>don't do anything because I knew Barry would come
>fucking die
Where the fuck was Barry? Does he not show up on this difficulty?

In theory

This. All RE games dip in quality whenever you reach laboratory type levels.

>I couldn't play this with its shitty tank controls and obtuse design

You boomers were complaining about that shit in the 90's. Have any real gripes?

i think if you trigger his cutscene in the upstairs balcony (with the grenade launcher) he won't show up. or something

They all get more "actiony" towards the end.

The quality drop isn't in terms of level asset though. They all look great.

you have to actually use the doors and attempt to leave to trigger the cutscene. if you just sit there you'll be crushed

Did this fucker can teleport or what?

get fucked, use the fake shotgun like everyone else

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having in mind the didn’t added the autoaim until latter in development, it makes sense

I remember fondly that scene when i played deadly silence, it was an actually frightenning moment in which i believed i would die. thank god barry save my sandwhich

>play without tank controls
But that literally breaks the game. It's like hacking RE4 to be able to strafe. It makes everything EXTREMELY easy.

nigga i know that the dude was talking shit about not being able to play because of tank controls and i let him know he doesn't have to. it's his fucking life so i don't give a shit how he plays games

2002 was the peak of vido game development, and they made the "how to remake" template, to bad none has ever used it since.

It's still my favorite RE game.

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I'm not sure what there is to say. It's my fav RE, followed by REmake 2 and RE7

I never finished Chris' campaign. I only played Jill because of the grenade launcher glitch.

when they inevitably remake this, I hope it goes the RE3 route and has automatic character switching between Jill and Chris throughout the campaign. This "elements of both stories are canon and just ignore the stuff that isn't" is the laziest shit

He have 2 slot less, can take more damage and Rebecca helps you instead of Barry. There is like an 1 hour of differences

Sure. REmake is overrated as fuck and worse than the original. Now feel free to fuck off.