What EXACTLY went wrong?

What EXACTLY went wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Extremely short
>Terrible combat
>Reddit and Memey-tier humour
>Horrible visuals
>Extremely generic sci-fi worlds
>Every woman is a short-haired SJW dyke
>Awful final boss

This reads like a "I never played this but I read about it on resetera" post.

Women designing games when they aren’t the Deus Ex reboot woman or the Uncharted/LOK woman

Everything was mediocre. Combat was no fun, inventory management was bad, RPG elements were basically non-existent (though this is an industry standard for AAA games), locations were somehow boring despite the setting.
I could even have forgiven all of that if the story were good, but it was unengaging and laughable.

Retards were tricked into thinking the Obsidian that made this game was anything like the Obsidian that made Fallout: New Vegas.

Can’t fuck pavarti

Boring and incredibly mediocre. Kind of glad it was "short".

Fuck you, OP. You're what went wrong. Stop bringing up this piece of shit game.

It played more like a proof of concept than a full game, but it was a lot better than people ITT will let on. Combat was pretty bad though, I’ll give you that, and the rp agency was only really there on the first two stops you make. Ultimately the setting is fine and would be easy to use for something more substantial and better realized. If they improve player agency, combat and de-emphasize their linear design tendencies, a follow up could be really something enduring and endearing. Their mistake was trying to recreate new Vegas but saving the writing/copy for last.

The setting was way too much of a satirical farce. It was like being in a mediocre episode of Futurama. Whilst it might get a chuckle out of you, if the whole setting is an absurd joke then you won't give a fuck about it. Fallout was a fundamentally satirical setting but it also had lots of severity and serious worldbuilding on top of it so that you actually gave a shit about what was happening in that world and with those characters, and it made the satirical elements actually funny.

Scale wise it's a pretty small game, which isn't a terrible thing considering the original Fallout was small and compact/concise in its execution too. But the difference is that Fallout had the benefit of being an isometric RPG where your imagination is meant to be part of the gig with the worldbuilding, in terms of straight content comparison Groundbreaker and the Hub probably aren't massively dissimilar but the Hub feels huge and alive compared to the pop-up theme park ride that most of the Outer Worlds towns represent. The idea is that Groundbreaker is this huge market-station, a port for all the factions so large it has lawless sections, but the first person reveals it to be barebones. Unironically if the game was isometric the worldbuilding would be a lot stronger because the scale wouldn't be as laid bare as first person.

The RPG mechanics were oversimplified. The skill bunching was lame and the perks are Fallout 4 tier boring. The choices were like a zoomer's idea of an RPG and because the world wasn't engaging, made mediocre choice and concequence even worse.

The one thing it did well was the interaction of Companions with NPC dialogue.

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Any games out there that do this formula well?

"spiritual succesor to new vegas"
also constant showing men as incompetent/stupid/weak/insane/expendable as opposed to females they happened to be paired with storywise was heavy-handed.
game itself wasn't that bad, just lacking.

At this point, there's nothing more to discuss. And beating the shit out of everyone involved in this game isn't an option either.

Not buying shit is the one remaining option.

I played it and he is not wrong, shill/retard.

Asexual lesbian

mixmaxed stats 2hours in

I hated how everyone said a company slogan every 2 sentences, deleted it after meeting the first npc you talk to

Gameplay is very bland and simplistic, level design is exceedingly predictable after the Groundbreaker, and the end game is just a huge disappointment.

There's nothing really memorable about the game. You play it once then forget it existed.

Yas Forums

Why the fuck is everyone gay in games these days? Seriously why are homos trying to pretend being a fag is a majority?

Incredibly short but artificially overextended


The game itself


The 'female' ship computer literally looks like bobby hill.

>What EXACTLY went wrong?
They wanted to push out a woke game. OK, but they failed to put any substance into it. Short, dull, and pointless.

The dialogue sounds so fucking bad. It's as if someone formed their understanding of human communication exclusively from ebin reddit joke exchanges. I wouldn't be surprised if reddit actually was formative to their sense of humor.

I thought ResetEra loved it

Shitty combat, boring leveling system, and an awful story. I got this game for 1$ and I still regret playing it. KOTORII/FoNV are two of my favorite RPGs, and it really goes to show you that the Obsidian we knew is dead.

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