Why the fuck is valve actively trying to turn steam into shit?

Why the fuck is valve actively trying to turn steam into shit?

Attached: 1573435830369.png (2560x1080, 3.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hurry up and accept my friend request

>using Steam as a frontend for your Steam library instead of the superior gogalaxy.com


Attached: GOG Galaxy in action.webm (1441x346, 1.9M)

>thinking this is in any way a downgrade compared to the nigh empty screen it used to be
retard alert

GoG 2 is based
>links your accounts and libraries
>sorts them
>fetches all of the art work
This is what MS should have done.

Attached: gog2.jpg (2826x1666, 562.62K)

It was always shit, OP.

>a screen full of useless crap is better than one that just have your games on it

Attached: 1582851823344.jpg (900x506, 59.47K)

The UI is way better than it was before though.
You can actually fucking organize your games now without it being incredibly tedious.

>organize your games
Because you need to have your entire library installed or what

...Have you used Steam a single day in your life? Do you not know how it works?
Open it up, click on Library, and tell me what you see.

a lot of useless news and my 3 installed games, I should only be seeing those 3 games

So you've only purchased 3 games on Steam?
Not sure why you would even come to a thread talking about the Steam library's UI then.

I do miss the old layout, but whatever. Basically, what said, except Playnite is also good.

>launcher for other launchers

Attached: 1565593954647.jpg (527x352, 12.45K)

What did he mean by this?

It got rid of the retarded useless newsfeed that was full of PC GAMERS articles so it's an improvement in my book


I like it, but then again I'm not an autist who gets triggered over change.
Much better than facebook rework cause this one streamlines things, makes ui better and easier to organize and doesn't crash every 5 seconds.


I'm still using the old layout and I'll never update my client ever again

Attached: 1583678389945.jpg (1037x1360, 437.64K)

>Hourly Tencent marketer thread
Because they can't find anything good about EGS to talk about, they just spout their garbage opinions about Steam instead.

literally rent free

Why yes, I do use Steam literally rent free. Thank you, Mr. Tencent.

consult a doctor about your schizophrenia

PC Gamer is shit and so is Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

>btfos chang
have fun when you or your relatives die from chang virus while he laughts at you
also go back to whatever subleddit you came from

You forgot to call me a "steamie". Didn't you read Wulang's script?

>a lot of useless news and my 3 installed games, I should only be seeing those 3 games
Why don't you just click the option to only show installed games then?

Attached: 1566559207911.png (706x412, 277.97K)

they probably hired a bunch of millenials who thought the old you looked old and dated

news before:
>"this game just updated and here is 20 Things You Need To Know" -PC GAMERS
>"what did [dev] mean by latest update for this game?" -PC GAMERS
>[completely unrelated news that still appear for this game for some reason because "journalists" can't even tag properly] -PC GAMERS

news now:
>actually relevant updates from the devs and patch notes and nothing else

I would but this shit never works for me and uses more memory than any launcher I've ever used.

>no linux version

>those recent games

I actually prefer the new library update over the old one.

Attached: recent.png (973x896, 341.63K)
