Defend this

defend this

Attached: nint.png (635x296, 259.88K)

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>nooo things can't break! they have to live forever!!!!

Don't need to, every other company outside of Indies & Platinum are horrible at making games. Western games have been garbage for a decade, so obviously Nintendo gets away with it.

No defense, I've thrown my Switch into the toilet and shat on it after I discovered that this MIGHT happen to my controller.

>nooo things can't break! they have to live forever!!!!

Attached: yes.png (450x475, 138.39K)

It's extremely fucking annoying, and a clear attempt to ape MInecraft. Minecraft popular? That mean item breaking good.

How do I temporally fix the drifting issue? There was a thread here about that, but I didn't save it

ocarina of time and majora's mask both had swords with finite durability

Been playing Minecraft after a long hiatus, I feel like iron pickaxes break too quickly now
My memory must be faulty or they nerfed it

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Those items were tied to out-of-the-way sidequests and you could make them unbreakable if you finished the quest.

Secondary swords you didn't have to use

This faggot is annoying, but what he said worked for me.

I recently started playing again after a long time (several years) and I'm finding less diamonds and gold but much more iron

I would but my shield broke.

tee hee

For sure, me and my buddy got this ravine and mineshaft going on and only 9 gold ores have been found in the 4 days we’ve spent expanding it. Goes for Redstone too.

Really fucking disingenuous to make this comparison

How old are you? Because im only 30 and remember quite well when things being built to last was the standard, not the exception and you could expect things to last at least 10 years, not fucking 1 due planned obsolesce. Nintendium used to be considered a thing.


animal crossing had breakable tools since the first one

can't really talk shit about something that hasn't happened to myself and i dont know the numbers on how many switch owners it has happened to

this has never happened to me so i dont care

>it's ok if things break easily right after you buy it

This is the nintenbrain.

It's been happening since Pokemon's technical machines

but today's technology is literally built around breaking easily so that you consoom more.
I don't want things to last forever, but at least not break after a few months would be nice

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TM last forever now

people had their nintendos break since always, had to blow on the disk and shit.

mine never broke back in the day, and my switch joy controller is still working. its because i dont throw my stuff around, like the other kids.

Indies and Platinum make some of the worst games though. Throw in Remedy and Naughty Dog and you have the tetrafecta of shittiness

>start fishing tournament
>fishing rod never breaks
>fish for like 3 hours straight
>best fun I've ever had fishing in NH

What's the fucking point of breakable tools? It makes any activity feel choppy and a slog, and the only way to avoid requires you to waste inventory slots if you don't want to go back and forth in your island like a retard. Even the comfy daily routine is constantly interrupted by this, and you can't even know when a tool is breaking so you know when to bring extra tools.

Only flimsy tools should break with usafe, as a sort of tutorial for crafting. Normal tools should break only when something particular happens (like fishing an uncommon fish or breaking a certain number of rocks/trees with your shovel). Golden tools should be unbreakable.

>they will defend planned obsolescence
how low can we fall

Animal Crossing is easy to fix. Just add a new Nookphone app that tracks tool usage. You can use it to check your tools' durability, and set it to give a notification when one runs low while using it. Then introduce a repair kit DIY item. Using that will allow you to add some durability to an item of your choice, including the gold items.

>Then introduce a repair kit DIY item.
customizing resets durability
but yeah you can't customize gold

I got bored and annoyed with NH and have gone back and started playing AC GCN again. Not having to deal with breaking tools and constantly bring up the tool wheel to get around the island makes the game so much more enjoyable to play. I mean yeah, it's inconvenient and other ways, and the basic axe still breaks, but it feels good to be able to play and not have to deal with constantly breaking and making new tools, or farming materials to make shit.

AC lost its soul after City Folk, and I mean this in an unironic way. NH is New Leaf with a shit coating.