Kitase says that he is relieved that they have managed to deliver something that fans have been waiting for for 23...

>Kitase says that he is relieved that they have managed to deliver something that fans have been waiting for for 23 years. He says that while FFVII Remake can be enjoyed fully on its own, the story will still continue. VII Remake shows players the great possibilities while leaving many hints, and he hopes that fans will speculate about what comes next on social media. He says that they too hope that they will grow alongside the project while communicating with fans.

>Nomura says that Final Fantasy VII Remake’s release does not overwrite the original Final Fantasy VII. The original is the origin, and VII Remake is only possible because of the original. He hopes that fans of the original will be able to enjoy the new yet nostalgic parts and differences from the original, and play it with the same feelings as those touching FFVII for the first time with Remake. He says that while this is the first of multiple parts, he thinks that it has the volume of one entire game on its own, and hopes that players enjoy it.

There, plain and simple. Still FF7, just with some twists and turns. Can we quick the ridiculous anger fest now?

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do levels and acquired materia transfer over to the next game?

So sequel. Mentioned twice in those two paragraphs.

>FFVII Remake can be enjoyed fully on its own
That would imply it's a complete product, when I strongly believe it's not. Main elements of the story weren't fully fleshed out and explained, relying entirely on the player's existing knowledge for context. As for his other points, it sounds like they were entirely too focused on audience perception and playing with metaknowledge of the existing plot, but while doing so forgot what made the original story so iconic. No doubt, they've done some good work here expanding characterizations and world-building, however I strongly contest the idea that they've told a better story. Unless their intention was simply "sell a lot, leave a lot of questions" in which case bravo, 10/10

>The original is the origin, and VII Remake is only possible because of the original.
So it's confirmed a sequel then. Wonderful. Remove the "Remake" from the title. I hope they get sued.

Ps5 saves aren't compatible with ps4 ones.

are there any secrets to find in that area is the upper plate you go with jessie or is it all just fucking empty?

then what are they going to do?

No, it's still mostly the story from the original game.

In simple terms "we suckered all of you. You ate shit and enjoyed it. Look forward to getting more shit in the future because we know you will accept any changes that come from our assholes."

This board shits on everything just for the sake of shitting on everything. I mean, how can you hate this game?

>That would imply it's a complete product, when I strongly believe it's not
Yet it still had more than 8 times the amount of game time as Resident Evil 3.

Ignore your shit and start over.

simple, dont play it and just read about it on Yas Forums

So a sequel then.

RE2 Remake is a sequel, got it. After all it, changes quite a bit from the original.

They should have called it FF7 Fatum Extremis Turbo or something like that. Would have cleared up a few things.

Lies deception, misleading marketing. Molesting and hijacking a classic story to add foreskin ghosts.

>he thinks that it has the volume of one entire game on its own

fuck modern gaming standards

That's what Yas Forums is for. To warn me about shit games.

Game time does not equal a complete story.

I'm assuming new destiny new start, and the save from 7R2 can transfer to 7R3 .
Is the max lvl in 7R only to 50? cause 7R2 would be to 50 and then transfer the file then its max lvl to 99 in the last installment.

Dunno, I don't play trash games from a dead franchise.

casual trash padded with boring content yet still significantly shorter than an average jrpg


Yas Forums shits on literally everything no matter how good a game it is, they are the culmination of the shittiest, most miserable hateful people you could ever imagine, whose only enjoyment in life comes from hating every new thing in their "hobby" that comes out, there's a reason none of these faggots have good lives or friends, they drive them all away with their general pathetic shittyness.

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I feel like they'll justify it by having Yugfie steal your shit on part 2.

All they had to do has not add time traveling penis ghosts and sephiroth as end boss.

They shit the bed. A big runny shit all over the mattress and sheets.

In an era of souls-likes and hard games, whoever is even challenged by this title should be ashamed of themselves.

Alright bro, so I made this game

There is a bad guy who wants to fuck my your ass, to beat the game you must bend over!

>bends over

Congrats you beat the game and that's the end of the story, that'll be 60 dollerydoos faggot and this is worth more than a game that ends on a cliffhanger but lasts 40 hours despite only last 60 seconds, thanks!

It literally isn't. The villain has changed from Shinra to Sephiroth. The events and how they play out have changed. The end of the story is radically different. Different characters live and die which changes the development of the main characters. It's not a remake. It's a sequel taking place after the events of the original in an alternate universe in which some of the characters have knowledge of the events of the original. Nomura says so himself in the quote in the OP: "The original is the origin, and VII Remake is only possible because of the original." It's not a fucking remake. You are braindead if you think it is.

This. There's an element of being too poor to own it as well so they take their anger out on the game. It's overly negative just as much as reddit is overly positive


I still like the game, but I will definitely be very cautious about the next one, because I strongly fear that they will fuck it all up with their forced "UNPREDICTABO" writing

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You realize this happens less than an hour after Midgar right

Attached: FFVII-MidgarZolom_Death.jpg (360x450, 36.68K)

I don't hate. I like it. I believe it's flawed and the fault lies entirely on SE fucking up just like they have for a solid decade. I do find myself disgusted with apologists and sycophants, though

All you have to do is close your eyes in the five minutes that they're relevant if you hate it that much. The main story was unchanged aside from the midgar escape and now you're complaining about what COULD be changed later because there was so little changed in this episode to even bitch about.

>The original is the origin, and VII Remake is only possible because of the original.
Sequel confirmed

Not hating it is giving them permission for them to do worse.

>just ignore the negatives so it won't suck

you're a fucking idiot

There will be LITERALLY NOTHING transferred to the second game and they will not justify it in game. They will say its just a gameplay thing so you will only start with buster sword and other default weapons and no summons. Maybe some basic default materia fro each character. But nothing will transfer.

Again, complaining of what COULD be changed because you have so little to bitch about. Pretty pathetic desu

But I bought persona royal instead with the money I was gonna use on ff7r

Best decision ever consider this train wreck of a story.

It's pretty easy when it's 1% of the entire fucking game. But oh wait you just watched the ending for an hour on youtube so that's 99% for you isn't it dipshit.

>Both of these men will be dead or no longer with Square before the game is complete at the pace they are going