Is worthy to play this now?

Is worthy to play this now?

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me and some of my bros got it when it was on sale.

it's a cool game but still really rough around the edges. The stuff they added with the updates are good but it still suffers from alot of bugs.

For 30 bucks i'd say it's worth it, not for full price, at least not yet.

pic related, my bad ass alien ship

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that shit looks like the needler gun from Halo

There are big bosses or raids?

The living ships you get from void eggs

the game has improved infinitely since launch but the basic premise of nothing to do and no reason to do anything is still the same.
if that appeals to you go for it.

No, it's a game about collecting things from planets. Boring as shit.

Yes it will give enjoyment for long enough.
If you like base building and collecting shit you would love it.
I think some people are creating logic boards in game now.

it's basicaly subnautica but in space

Its quite good while stoned honestly. Standing out on one of your frigate platforms in space feels quite sombre.
But as said, there isn't much reason to do what you do beyond the story quests.
Would be nice to shoot up some actual enemies or something, considering we can now build a giant mech suit with cannons.

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but seriously tho, is there nothing to shoot at? aren't there like space battles and enemies on the planets?

There are enemies in the game like pirates, hostile wildlife, and the main antagonists (sentinals) i don't know what this user is talking about

There are robots that roam some planets and are hostile to you. Sometimes they'll even block your path when you're trying to access a ruin or something. Then there's the occasional hostile wildlife but I haven't run into any that were too dangerous yet. Other than that there are space pirates to dogfight with but I haven't seen any full on fleet battles or anything.

Full on fleet battles is the main thing the game is missing, since in late game you command your own fleet of freighters and frigates. it would be fuckin dope to just attack an enemy freighter with your own.

The space pirates are shitty and you can curb stomp them hard as you just summon your entire armada to hot drop them like its eve online. Though they are a challenge when you start out in survival mode.
Pirating yourself consists of shooting resource tanks on freighters.
Then there are the sentinels which get upset at you doing things like that and start blapping you, it also escalates like cops do in any GTA game.
They have their sentinels, their sentinel big ships, sentinel dogs and big sentinel bi-pedal walkers.
Thats really the only enemy, the sentinels.
Each planet they have a different setting from being passive to kill on sight.
Then you have some creatures are aggressive and will attack you.
But there is no alien race that you fight or like enemy outposts on planets to siege.

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Game is infinitely better then it was on release and gets better with every update, has alot of potential now. But it's still a bug ridden mess in a lot of ways.

Wait for a sale

yeah, I can imagine how awesome that would be. Are they going to add that in future updates or?

Is there anything stopping you to curb stomp those space police guys by summoning your fleet?

Not that i know of but the potential is there for it. they recently added derelict freighters to be found in space, so it couldnt be to far off to have better freighter battles. as it is now, there is no real reason to commit acts of piracy since its pretty easy to get income. the only reason to attack freighters is if you want something different.

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Piracy is a good way to get upgrades for your capital ship

>space police guys
No, they just keep on spawning and then their big ships spawn, then they chase you down as you try to get away which you can eventually.

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God no. Don't fall for the "it's been getting updates so it's good now" meme. They keep adding all this useless shit without focusing on the main thing, actual fun gameplay. Because holy hell it's still bland and repetitive as hell. I genuinely cannot understand why people are saying it's fun when you're still stuck just mainly collecting resources and nothing else.

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Is it? Ive been using my frigate fleet to collect upgrade modules but its been slow. how does it get upgrades?

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The games whole premise is exploration and collecting things

If that doesn't sound like your thing then maybe the game just isnt for you

>not noticing this is a shill thread

The first post sounds so artificial and disingenuine it hurts.

Some of those small cargo ships will carry frigate upgrade modules

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I got it when it got the VR update, and I definitely like it in VR for the atmosphere and immersion and moving around, but non-VR I would probably get bored and avoid playing it.

I have about 40 or 50 hours. Got it for $30.

But alot of these posts are people saying to wait for a sale?

oh shit! im gonna be goin on a spree looking for those fuckers. thanks pal! youve killed thousands of vykeen and gek with this news.

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>we've gotten to the point where these shills defend games that are extremely barebones
Man these NMS shill threads are getting more and more ridiculous. Minecraft is also a resource collecting game with actual things to do fag

And OP obviously wants an honest opinion, but all these no man sky threads becomes nothing but shill threads for some odd reason without brutal honesty about the main issue with this game. I'm assuming it's buyers remorse at this point

A lot of games have those same premises

NMS is basically subnautica but in space

Kind of an odd shill thread if the shills are telling OP to wait for a sale and not buy it now at full price

Even subnautica has more going for it than no man sky, so I don't know what you're on about with your copout reply

What shilling is being done in this thread?
Its not a bad game, pirate it if you want and play without the online parts, who gives a fuck.

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Such as?

How about don't waste money on something that stops being fun in less than an hour? Like my dumbass who fell for the gay updates meme

wait until they overhaul the planet generation or whatever
Its super repetitive. All the updates have just been bandaids like vehicles or bases. The core of the game is just running around mining rocks to fill up bars, forever until you get bored

I played the game for an hour, in normal, and its just gettung materials, until you get inventary full, and its an struggle to manage that, while having to build a dozen shit.
Should I just pkay in creative mode? i just want to explore.

i bought this game for £15 a couple weeks back. I have almost 30 hours in the game.

in that time i did the cobalt exploit to get about 1.5 billion credits. i also have a fully maxed exotic, scrapping ships for upgrade modules.i also have a max slot s class multi tool, with a half hearted attempt to min max some of the upgrades in it.

most of my time in game has been jumping through portals, warping through space, talking to vendors. i played it in the dullest way possible.

but when i do go to planets...i just don't really give a fuck. i told myself i was getting ready to build my perfect base on my perfect planet...well, if i wanted to do that shit i guess i coulda just played creative mode.

i feel like i did a whole lot of nothing. which is true. there are parts of the game i think are interesting. but i have no interest in it. for £15 i think it was a good buy.

I played before the updates and the game is extremely redundant. I spent about 30 hours on it until I was disgusted for spending so much time on a game that at its core there is not much difference than those idle games where you need to click on cookies.
I mean, all the progress I was making was in the name of progress itself and not because there was anything interesting to do. The fauna and flora that I cataloged was not interesting to observe. The ships I bought were not interesting to fly. The pirates I met were not interesting to fight. The planets I landed on were not interesting to explore.
I believe that none of that has changed. The difference in the current version is that there are more uninteresting things to do and collect.

Exploration and collecting things is fun. NMS isn't, mainly because every solar system is the same.
Same basic layouts for inhabited planets, always a space station with the same three faggy species, always the same type of boring missions, the same ''abandoned outposts'' with the loot always at the same places, the same stranded space vessel, same, same, same everything is the fucking same.

Fuck this game and the people who made it.