Square's big brained plan to fuck over Nintendo completely failed

Square's big brained plan to fuck over Nintendo completely failed.

Are all third parties like this?

Attached: Square tried to ruin Nintendo.jpg (564x886, 78.5K)

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The Senran Kagura devs were like that

I'm confused, if Square and Nintendo supposedly hated each other for ten years why did Nintendo allow Square games on their consoles during that time

So thats why FF7-10 were so good
And why once Squaresoft died and went back to nintendo with GBA rereleases they lost their edge and became shite

SE came back begging to nintendo to let them port old FF to GBA as they were hurting for money after the movie disaster
Nintendo said ok but you must give the GC an exclusive FF
SE fucked nintendo over by making crystal chronicles instead of a mainline game

Japanese "honor" is a weird thing.
Just like how Experience Inc. puts all their dungeon crawlers on Xbox first despite the platform being beyond dead in Japan.

They're dead now, right? Wasn't one of the 3ds games their best selling titles as well?

This they only make games on Nintendo when they absolutely have to.

I mean, Sony won in the end and is now bigger than Nintendo, so he wasn't wrong

Even now?

It seems to me they drop their side projects and experimental games on nintendo hardware since the 3DS
Probably because BD did well.

Sony wishes. Like all big conglomerates they get stuck in a DUDE ROYALTIES mindset that makes them perform well under what they should be doing.

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No, nowadays they're back on really good terms. I would say at least since DQIX being DS-exclusive (though that's technically Enix).

Sony is bigger than just videogames user. PSN alone makes more money than all of Nintendo

First of all, it doesn't. Secondly, celebrating victory because the superconductor division is doing well is actually absurd.

Yeah they're dead now, the producer left Marvelous and the latest Senran Kagura is in dev hell because of that and stricter restrictions on sexual content on PS4.
And yeah I think one of the 3DS games were the best selling ones which just makes it extra retarded that they didn't just go multiplat or made it for the Switch atleast

>*citation needed*

All of Squares best games came out during that time. Also sold way better than they would've on Nintendo consoles

>SE fucked nintendo over by making crystal chronicles instead of a mainline game
Crystal Chronicles was better than any mainline game since FF6, you fucking philistine.

The actual developer, Honey Parade, is still around and they're making this: youtube.com/watch?v=RHTACVAgrpo which is indeed multiplatform.

Why is Nintendos fanbase a literal cult? Their identities are so wrapped up in a company, I've never seen anything like it

>about 10 years
>it was really like 7
Sony definitely slapped Nintendo's shit for those 7 years though.

When Square switched consoles Nintendo's shares in the company also got bought by Sony so it's not like they were entirely independent.

I didnt say anything about quality


Sony ALWAYS wins baby

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Actually Sony sold their stake in Square so they're a bit more willing to support Nintendo with low budget releases these days.

>revenue = profit


Speaking of Crystal Chronicles, when is it getting remastered?


>moving the goalpost
Holy cringe


You are forgetting the wii, ds, 3ds and so on so no sony did not slap anybody.


The source is ZhugeEX, who is a known unreliable pedophile.

I missed the original and I want to play it

>Snoystation no longer selling
>literally zero worthwhile exclusives
>the most anticipated remake of all time ended up being a piece of shit and a flop
Boy, I bet this guy feels retarded.

Its literately all business is like this.

What level of nip wank is this on?

believe or not that makes xbox look like a niche hardcore platform and the playstation the normalfaggot option over there

This summer and it was delayed to make android version

not to start a smashtard discussion but i wonder if that has any impact on how awful FF's representation is in smash, they didn't bother with auxiliary shit because they didn't really care

Who cares? I'm willing to support child rapists to defend my amazing company

Them Japs sure know how to hold a grudge.
Nintendo was worse than most companies in this regard I've heard.

Any day now, the switch version will be out.


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>Literally links to Sony.net

>Literally causing 80% increase in ps4 sales in japan and matching FFXV physically, even with the massive increase of digital sales
muh UK physical sales tho

Holy fuck this nintencult thread.

>and a flop
what did you mean by this

nincelism is a fucking disease
they can't be allowed to spread much more...

well it sort of worked during ps1/ps2

Why did they not release anything on the Saturn? It sold well in Japan