I need a good cry, Yas Forums. What are some real tear jerker video games?

I need a good cry, Yas Forums. What are some real tear jerker video games?

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wish I knew
whenever people mention games that made them cry its always mind-numbing repetitive JRPGs which would sooner bore me to tears than make me care about the characters.

Telltale The Walking Dead season 1

animal crossing

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fallout 4

Dragon Quest V

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The 3rd professor layton game but you have to play the first two first.

Asura's Wrath, more of a visual novel though. If you enjoy crazy anime bullshit you'll like it, otherwise probably not worth your time.

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hollow knight

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To the Moon

>needing a video game to cry
>he can't simply lay in bed and start thinking about his life

Katawa Shoujo, pick bacon

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I cried with The House in Fata Morgana but it's a VN.

Takes a while to reach the parts that actually get to ya but when they get to ya, they get to ya.
>press X to ride

Literally came in to reccomend this

It's strange to me how bad this guys art is but he's always been something of an enigma.

How is this sad, unless you fuck up the route?

And even then her bad ending isn't nearly the biggest heart-stomp KS has to offer.
Hell, the blind girl only has a good and relatively neutral end and the latter is much more painful than Bacon's bad end.



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I've never really cried for myself like that. Only for someone else. Not sure why exactly because I've cried for someone else having to go through the same things I do. I guess maybe it wouldn't do much good to just cry for myself but doing it for someone else would show that I cared?

Anyway, Silent Hill 1&2 can be pretty sad closer to the end of the game.

Never the destination, it's always the journey that defines our lives.


The ending of Gravity Rush 2 applies some pressure to the tear ducts. Specifically the credit reel where a character talks about how it still hurts two years later.

sorry fag but im elite status with the student council consoling drills and whatnot

Yakuza 0 made me cry
that's the only one i can think of

Oh and on this note, the main theme brings two different emotional reactions based on whether you've finished the game or not.
>before the game: oh this is a cute little melody
>after the game: it's not fair bros

Its hard for me to recommend anything because a lot of games labeled emotional never really get it from me but random moments in some games do. For example, I broke down while playing DEFCON of all games when it randomly struck me what was actually going on the game and the real world implications of the game being real. I have also gotten worked up over squad-mates dying in XCOM on iron man runs.

Explorers of Sky

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