How to fix FFVII Remake

>Fix the graphical glitches and sharpen the npc models
>Fix the sound mixing to turn down music during key dialogue scenes
>Allow customization for friendly AI
>Make Assess a baseline ability.
>Iframes to improve dodge roll
>Change the weapon upgrade menu to one that's less annoying to navigate
>Enable classic battle mode for normal difficutly
>Alter classic mode, so the ATB gauge fills more easily, because the friendly AI is too dumb to attack.
>Remove every instance of time ghosts and phantom Sephiroth
>Replace the final boss with something that's not completely retarded

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Bigger boobs.

Play as Barret.

Never even make the game to begin with and just play the original.


>Allow customization for friendly AI
>Make Assess a baseline ability.
>Iframes to improve dodge roll
muh iframes, no fuck off
>Remove every instance of time ghosts and phantom Sephiroth
>Replace the final boss with something that's not completely retarded

>remove all the gay stuff from wall market

>make the whole game about the gay shit from wall market

I don't understand what they did with the music. I understand adding some extra music, rearrangements and such, but they are putting in there music from areas from later episodes. I love kalm but why the fuck would I play kalm music in midgar?

What's that, daddy?

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>everything is perfect
Jesus, fans of this shit are retarded.

>uncensor shiva
>make bahamut not look like shit

based zoomerfag
has never seen good writing in his life and settles for mediocrity

>Costume setting
>PC version before 2021

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Check out this homo

1. Remove Chapter 18 and the Whispers entirely, as well as Sephiroth’s early appearances. Move the Jenova fight from President Shinra’s office to the end of the motorway.

2. Remove Cait Sith from the cutscene when the plate falls, cut to average people looking up at it like the original. Cut most of Chapter 13 and merge it into 14. There are no slums to return to, they’ve been flattened.

3. Remove Leslie and the return to the Sewers from Chapter 14. Instead make Barret and Tifa's scenes at the beginning mandatory and spend the chapter exploring how the characters react to the plate falling in different ways, like Tifa’s guilt. Ultimately they channel their sadness and frustration into the assault on the Shinra building. Put Aeris’s scene at the end.

4. Marle dies, at the very least. And Wedge. Almost everybody from the slums. The plate falls and people die, don't pull punches. Do change Bigg’s and Jessie’s death scenes so you don’t watch them die. They’re just wounded and then the plate finishes the job.

5. Blood. Give Biggs bullet wounds. Sephiroth leaves a trail of bodies and blood, not purple Jenova goop. President Shinra bleeds.

6. Some general rewrites to make death scenes less cheesy, cut some of the flowery bullshit, etc. I’m sure we’d all have different preferences here.

I will now endorse your game.

A general tone down of all the Uncharted level cliffhanger moments added to every second scene in the last few chapters

Also most of what this guy said

This guy gets it.

I read a review that praised the game for its ''deep combat system''
>circle, circle, circle,circle, circle, circle

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this is big...

Just play FF7 PC with mods if you want an actual remake/remaster, also you can even play New Threat which balances the game so characters stats actually matter and magic/buff/debuff arent totally useless

or you can just play FFXV-2 which is what we got

That's pretty gay.

>Do change Bigg’s and Jessie’s death scenes so you don’t watch them die. They’re just wounded and then the plate finishes the job.
watch that edge champ

How to fix FFVII Remake for real
>remaster the entire FFVII
>sell the entire remaster as one package (with three separate downloads/executables if you wanna be cute about it)
boom, done.

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Whispers are retarded and they should just apologetically made plot changes.


ok so im actually thinking of buying this game after having a look at it and i kind of want to know beforehand. is it as shit as 13 or is there actual gameplay and charm to this one

it's shit

How do you get a diff dress for aerith?

People just have gripes with the ending and some graphical glitches. The game's good and more importantly it has lots of charm.

If you don't mind hallways filled with forced walking segments and idiotic plot changes go with it. The whole thing wants to be more of a cinematic experience than a video game. Combat is fine but most of the fights are short except for bosses, then poof welcome to slow corridor city again

the pacing is horrible

>The whole thing wants to be more of a cinematic experience than a video game.
That's completely appropriate for a FF7 remake.

Based and retropilled

not if it's a video game
it's not even a remake anyway it's a sequel there I said it

1) Leave Tifa’s abs to the same team
2) Leave her face to Team Ninja
3) Leave her tits to the team they outsourced the FMV sequences in the original game
4) Leave her legs to the Street Fighter team
5) ??????
6) Profit!

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>How to fix FF7R
What's the point in trying to "Fix" an already released game?

All I really want is to see Tifa's white panties every time she kicks like I'm supposed to.

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>what are patches