Riot Vanguard statement

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If you trust Riot Games with a ring 0 driver on your computer you're a fucking idiot.

>Vanguard consists of three components: the client, driver, and platform.
>The driver (kernel-mode) is used by the client to validate memory and system state, and to make sure the client has not been tampered with.
translation: We've included a virus in our game that spies on what else you are doing.
We are undoubtedly sending all this info back to our Corona overlords
You dumbasses are oblivious to all of this, and anyone calling us out will be shouting into a void on Yas Forums

how can they defend their "run on startup so you can't cheat" anti cheat when the game that have been in closed beta for 2weeks is full of cheaters

If Microsoft or some othes ecurity company was based, they would flag this shit as a rootkit and delete it.

No, that would be the opposite of based. If that behavior became the norm then they could delete any file they wanted. And it kind of is, considering MS already flags most keygens and cracks as malware.

That's just windows defender doing its job. Which is why I always recommend everyone to disable it on first install.

nsa already fucked us over either way

I do :)

what are you fags hiding in your computers to be this scared of Riot looking through your download folder? I got nothing to hide

100k? That's their BIG PAYOUT?


Yas Forums is too dumb to understand anything from this article

I find no malicious intent, if anyone can prove that RIOT is actually logging / exfiltrating data then I'll care. Or if someone can present a real vulnerability in their implementation.

>Putting your nudes on the cloud is the same as getting a rootkit Trojan'd into your system because you want to play some shitty fotm trash

If you've got nothing to hide let me in to your house. You may not know me, or my intent, or my backers (totally not the Chinese government) but you're a fucking skitzo if you don't let me in to your house with unfettered access.

I've been having too much fun with the game to care either way.
It's not like I have anything even remotely sensitive on my PC anyway.

>outsourcing their bug development
Lmfao, any hacker able to exploit these bugs can easily sell the information to shady companies for way more. These cheap retards are trying to get desperate coders debugging their dogshit for free while painting it as solidarity with the gamers.

And some retards will fall for it.

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her problem for being a stupid woman, I'll be smart enough not to take a picture of myself nude or install chinese spyware on my PC.

>literally running a rootkit for chinese overlords on your computer
kek, enjoy your csgo with abilities

steamies seething

I accept our Chinese overlords.
I suggest you do the same.

>company backed by tens of millions of chink money
>not just a blanket $100k+ for any exploitative breach
>"putting our money where our mouth is"
You can smell the fear as they start lowering the money for each tier because they know how likely it is. Imagine installing this turd, anyone that thinks kernel access is the same as logging downloads/browsing history is braindead.

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Is this what shitposting does to you?

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the chink government did this intentionally. Too late. They already got you.
Fuck this game, and fuck Riot. Fuck China.

I got a closed beta key but I really don't want a rootkit on my PC from a chinese company.

>paying people who find bugs
>debugging for "free"

>You can smell the fear as they start lowering the money for each tier because they know how likely it is.
Glad I wasn't the only person thinking this.

don't fall for reddit fearmongering it's ok to install and play

Retard here, how is this any different from other games' anti-cheat detection?

Don't install it then, sell off your closed beta key.

t. chong

Most run in Ring 1. There are some other bad players out there that run in Ring 0 like Battleeye.
There is no excuse for it, glad at least Riot is getting called out on it.

List of propaganda fear mongering and shilling from le Reddit that amounted to nothing
>net neutrality
>Michael Avenatti
>Labor party will win 2019
>GoT and Marvel are the greatest pieces of entertainment
>Fuck WHO
>Wait no we love WHO now

they raised the bounties
what are you talking about

Ring 0 access gives the ability to do anything to your computer. Malicious root kits can do anything to your computer, from holding your hard drive hostage to hijacking your CPU/GPU processing to sell to third parties.

If there were a kernel level exploit, it would cost Riot way more than $100k in damages/lost revenue, the fact that they're only paying this much is pathetic.