FF7 Demake

What was your reaction the first time you saw the Time-Jannies?

Attached: demake.webm (626x320, 2.9M)

Basically this.

Attached: Hamil feels his soul die watching TLJ.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

I was pissed cause they messed up my favorite scene when cloud first meets aeris

I honestly just laughed.

Holy shit, you can tell that Hamil wants to break a chair over this retard's head.

Lol, story?

Attached: time-jannies.webm (854x472, 2.78M)

Attached: 1504860080.gif (279x219, 1.08M)

I never played ff7 past midgar so I dont even know what the plot is suppose to be

>"huh....well okay then"
Ended up being a great game though so Im totally on board for Nomura's Wild Ride.

Screening of The Last Jedi - a character-assassination/sin against literature roughly equal to what Nomura did to this game.
The idiot next to Hamil is Rian Johnson, the director and white-gaijin-piggu-equivalent of Nomura.

I never thought much of ff7 despite it being my first final fantasy so I have no skin in the game.

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Poor guy. He looks like he's about to have a heart attack for real. It's more sad than funny.

Attached: 1561317662992.jpg (1280x720, 84.75K)

Oh god, this is nowhere near as bad as TLJ

They killed Luke Skywalker off in post. Mark Hamill found out about it at the end of the premiere. That clip is from the post-premier interview, less than an hour after the credits rolled.

He's been Luke Skywalker for about forty years at that point. If there was ever a moment where he was going to go Dark Side in a fit of rage, it would be right then.

M8, I've seen torture-porn that was easier to watch than TLJ.

b-b-b-but Ryan defied expectations!
I swear my cousin is a film student or something and he went as far as to say "well, it proves that you don't need training to become a Jedi so he is breaking the mold and that's a good thing" when I argued how the sequel trilogy utterly destroys the rules set even by the prequel trilogy.

is there a difference between this and the regular numbered robed dudes except that the robed dudes are late game

>They killed Luke Skywalker off in post.
Is there proof of this? How could one nobody get to kill off the main hero without telling him?

Robed dudes were the reunion guys, basically Sephiroth's vessels which explained why he could be seen despite being imprisoned in the mountain after he got stabbed in the past.

I expected something stupid because Nomura is a hack fraud. Thankfully people are finally waking up to it though. Why they let KH pass for so long I'll never fucking know.

Easy, Luke was last seen meditating to project himself and save the resistance, the last thing you see is him vanishing from afar, do the math, Mark probably thought that scene would be so people understood he was using the force and all that stuff.

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she really was a lousy cunt

Jesus, so that's when he found out the role was finished like THAT.

Imagine coming back to your role, going from fat fuck to amazingly good-looking again to play the protagonist of the most famous movie franchise ever, dreaming about going back to it all and having fun, and not only is your first movie a 5-second cameo, and your second movie a horrible, hateful experience where you even have to point out you'd say hello to C3PO as you pass him by because the director doesn't give a shit about your arc, just "his art", you just go "Well at least I still got the final movie. This will all be over soon and I'll make sure to talk to the last director asap and savor every last drop the role has to offer."

And in the premiere you're contractually forced to go to and perform your fakest smile at, you find out they killed your role. They killed the biggest thing you've ever done in the worst and most humiliating way possible.

And you have to sit down next to the guy who did it while he gleefully talks about it. In front of cameras.

I don't know how Mark didn't just choke him there and then.

This done fucked it up.

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Most of the actual plot of Kingdom Hearts happened in the mobile and handheld games, which next to nobody actually played. He got away with it through obscurity.

I understand *how* it can be done, but from a production standpoint it's absurd. This theory accounts for several people knowing about a key death scene, save for the actor in question.

Attached: ahhhhfuckit.png (922x622, 960.72K)

I think most people just don't pay attention. It's easy to recognize a brand, it's hard to know who is working behind that brand name.
You have 15 games now, plus spinoffs, sequels and the like. A person who liked FFIV, FFVI, FFVII and FFT might think he's just buying products from the same people.

But nope, they aren't, it's all FFXIII onwards hacks now.

How many people would tell him or disclose it considering Ryan tried to defy expectations every 5 seconds.

I have zero problems with them and I played the original. People are overreacting.

They didn't mess anything up. That part plays out exactly the same as the original with the addition of a Reno battle and Aerith getting some more lines to add to her character. The history niggas changed nothing.

Attached: 1577322718164.png (556x553, 395.25K)

>"Oh, I see. So it's as I thought, they keep the 'important' things the same as in the OG, just like how they ensured that Cloud goes to the Reactor 5 mission even if it means that Wedge and Jessie don't participate in it. Interesting, I am curious were this will all ultimately lead to when the whole multi-part series ends... a very bold approach."