
It's actually really fucking fun lads

Attached: 2020-04-07-image-28-1600x900.jpg (1600x900, 109.56K)

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post best girl Jett

It looks fun but I doubt I can run it on my craptop

Despite all the genuine criticism I've heard about this game:
>Retarded bullet spray like CS games
It's garbage

Attached: 1555523899031.jpg (842x815, 22.1K)

enjoy your chinese rootkit

>falling for the rootkit psyop made by panicing cheat devs


Shut up

stop making the same thread everyday nigger

shut the fuck up


finally got a key let's fucking go

You fucking suck

Yeah the kit comes with a key attached

It's a really fucking easy game to run, that's why its aesthetic is so barebones.

why you mad bro?

>CSGO with less satasfying guns and OW abilities
CSGO was only fun for TDM/FFA fuckabouts because the guns were a masterpiece of audio/visual design.

Chink malware, won't download
Stop shilling

enjoy your malware

I don't like that it's getting praised for mashing OW and CSGO together

this game actually sucks
t. beta player

not even my league, csgo and overwatch loving little brother can stand it

maybe I don’t want a tencent rootkit tho?

yeah i don't give a shit if it's fun if I have to compromise the security of my machine.

China doesn't need a rootkit to steal your loli folder

the abilities are fine, but the ultimates are bad. matchmaking is a shitshow right now where each team has a 2 year old and an mlg pro that you either win 100% or 0% of encounters when you see them.
the biggest problem I see is that anything over 5v5 is going to be terrible with all the abilities going off, and a game like this where the only way to play is forced 5v5 competitive matchmaking is going to be ultimately boring

I agree but all the Yas Forums schizos will cry calling you a chinese shill for saying anything positive or neutral about it.
I've been grinding it with my friends ever since I got a key and I've been looking for a competitive game to play for a while ever since I stopped playing League and I think this is it, so fucking fun. Kind of frustrating having to be a shitter at a game again but once I grasp the fundamentals and improve my mechanics I'm gonna be addicted.
Oh yea and remove Raze from the game fuck that shit.

just play overlook dude

Will we ever get our time again Arena Shooterbros?

how does it take approximatly to get a key?
I've run a stream for 10 hours and still nothing
wondering if I should bother.

Oh look another vague shill thread pretending to be shitposting that self-bumps to 300. Fuck you and your chinese game.

Hopefully diabotical gets lots of players

>Ever installing Chinese games on your PC

>thinking foreign ownership means local laws don't apply
>thinking kernel access is required for stealing your data instead of some shitty javascript
>thinking Riot would risk losing 4% of their revenue due to GDPR just to steal some data you don't need kernel access for anyways
>thinking it's easy to remotely exploit a ring-0 driver that doesn't communicate over the network
>thinking China cares about some gamers' hentai folders
>falling for cheat dev social engineering and FUD tricks

never seen so many dumb fucks holy shit

Did you have sound on or muted in the background? Hearing something about them not giving keys if you mute.

>defending riot games to any capacity

never seen such a dumb fuck holy shit

It's completely luck based, you might never get one
I had 7 accounts running for around 20+ hours and 6/7 of those accounts got keys
Also almost all of them got keys when I wasn't even watching anymore so I think after a certain watch time threshold then your eligible to get a key regardless if you're watching or not.

I prefer facts over feelings

Here's a real complaint:
>download anti-cheat
>it fucks with my other games framerate

>no argument

Fuck off Chang. Not playing your garbage.

Any judgechads here?

That's a valid one, hopefully gets fixed asap

damn that's exactly what i did lol, guess i'll turn volume on now

If it's so harmelss, why have it in the first place. It clearly doesn't do anything to stop cheating anywhere. It only took a few hours after beta came out for all the usual cheats to get released.

if i wake up in 3 months and this boring curated streamer shit is still popular i will know that shooters are finally dead.

>It clearly doesn't do anything to stop cheating anywhere

I ran a few streams muted in the background. Still got access after ~50 hours.

ok chang

sadly no, not unless a big company decides to make an arena shooter or something of the sort
diabotical is only going to attract the already tiny arena junkie audience, anyone new to arena shooters is just gonna get filtered

If condoms don't work 100% of the time, why use them?

I bet you hail Denuvo as the best thing ever.

source: google valorant cheats, theres tons of vids around already.

>that doesn't communicate over the network
yes but if someone gets access to you over network, which is never always preventable, then that unprotected ring-0 access allows them to do whatever they want even if you were running the most elaborate protection software to exist
the software does not even need kernel access yet they gave it anyway
regardless of everything they are going to re-work their anticheat because the press is bad

tick tock steamie
cs days are over

nah, anything that gets popular on streamershit sites eventually dies

They'd need an SMM-level exploit with physical access to your machine to modify the AC code. If that's your threat model, you shouldn't even be using Windows

>installing a chinese rootkit just to play riot garbage

Attached: laughing elf man.jpg (92x126, 3.29K)

>Vanguard cant even detect basic aim snapping and wallhacks

or they just patch the ac the way riot does it retard


Yeah, and "just" find the private keys used to sign their binaries, retard