Yas Forums says this game is trash

>Yas Forums says this game is trash
>it's actually great
Kiria best girl

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>but its actually trash


Thank you Yas Forums all that shill actĂșally Made me buy the game
Solid 8 AND the music was great.
Did anyone knows if the concert was cancelled?.

i'm an atlus jrpg fag and i was actually excited for it, but then NOA butchered it and then i never bothered with it

then they butchered the switch release too

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Just get the uncensored version on Cemu for free like everyone else?

its combat is actually better than most jrpgs
include smt and persona

>Kiria best girl

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Is this from the Switch version?

It's in both. They're the fashion shows you can watch by looking at the magazine rack at Fortuna.

It's a really solid game, expectations and censorship aside, and Kiria is easily the best girl. Would've bought it if they had actually reverted some of the changes.

Mamori is best girl

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it was enjoyable on hard, but got a little easy towards the end aside from two boss fights. i want to try on impossible one day

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It's exactly the same as persona

Barry go back to the studio

>Sequel never
Preasu give it to me

I wanna impregnate Maiko

It's more Strange Journey-esque and challenging than Persona, which is still babymode SMT combat

>this is what atlusfags actually believe

For me its Mamori

Kiria WAS the best girl until that cringy as fuck side story where she goes kawaii. Fuck this game for using my goddess Nanjo to make such a shit character. At least her songs are still fantastic.
All girls except for Maiko are shit in this game, just like the boys, the plot, the models and the OST (with the exception of the songs they actually sing, obviously).

Can Kiria tank hits for other characters while auto-guarding and ressurrect the party for just 1 SP? No? Then she's not best girl.

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please don't compare this kusoge to strange journey

It's made by the same people, why wouldn't it be compared?

My Mamori was the most useless piece of crap ever, bitch died every single time she was in the party

She has twice as much HP as the other characters.

she got killed by sessions every single time, it's like she's weak to everything

Kiria is indeed best girl but all the girls are good.

>Did anyone knows if the concert was cancelled?.
No word yet, but I'm not expecting it to actually happen. Fuck this virus shit.

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She almost never died for me even when she jumped in front of attacks she was weak to like a dumbass.

>>it's actually great
Great might be an overstatement. Still good though. I know the idol thing is not everyone's cup of tea and I dislike it too but I appreciate how much the game commits to the theme


It's almost nothing like persona in terms of combat other than stuff it shares with every jrpg

the box art sold me alone, it's fucking KINO. i usually get instabored of jrpgs, and persona-like games with social links bore me to absolute fuck. this game basically removed what i hate about persona and kept what i like. solid 8/10 for me at least.