*clears throat*

*clears throat*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why does he get a bad rap? The only dumb thing I've seen him do is take a dumb backstab from a balder knight and think it wasn't his fault. Otherwise all of his takes are very reasonable. Is Yas Forums just jealous that he's actually good at fighters?

*gets in crippling debt*

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>What is WWE Network?
>c...could you repeat that?


>burp into the microphone
>someone complains
>instantly banned

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DSP has been infected?

Hi Phil

Yeah with the GOUT.

Oh yes, most certainly!

I sold all my blood vials stockpiled from farming offstream in bloodborne


Alotta peepul are saying, duhuhuh, "why don't you just go to the doctor?" Well, the truth of the matter is, there is NO cure for post-nasal drip, and you are making fun of a disability, so if you don't wanna get banned, stop it right now.

>*clears throat*
Imagine tolerating this on a video... It's even worse than a lipsy voice

DSP used to be atleast good enough where id say he'd mop the shitters here on fighting games. After seeing him play anything modern including easy shit to get gold at like SFV i doubt it. He mashes during everything and has no ground game anymore. He actually calls SFV bullshit because there are meaties and "everything is safe" because he mashes during the first hit of a frametrap.

He won't return to granblue and has no idea how to escape pressure without mashing dp and DBFZ filtered him because he has no reactions. The last time he did okay was MVCI and that is just because alot of shitters existed and he ran Hulk Thanos and had 5 hit BnBs for 60%.

This shit was absurd. The time it would take to grind NG to get level 96 or w.e before Rom is beyond fucking absurd. Its amazing what DSP will do to spar his ego. Now in Nioh 2 he literally just runs a cheese build well smashing his face into the wall until he progresses.

He can adapt albeit slowly. He did beat Sekiro with his chats help and you cannot really grind much that helps you there. But hes just so fucking scared of failure. I don't get how he can be but he is. At this point with thousands of hours of him being a weak whiny bitch on games what are a few more hundred. But hes still in some delusional fairy tale where he thinks just beating the game is competency.

Half-hourly reminder.

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Because he is stupid and has probably done the worst damage control in history

Not a Phil hater but you can't tell me stuff like this isn't pathetic

DSP is the realest gamer on the internet. People only hate on him because he tells it like it is. Also for reasons that aren't valid. Nothing he could do.

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Alright ahnans heres da bottom line. I'm in crippling debt and khet may go away. So here's the thing that we'll do for a Sunday stream. I got the clone machine ready so all we need is PlanetJeff to come back. Sounds good?

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>creditors go avter DSP
>DSP releases corona on the world
Nothing can stop him

>Over 40k on sweaty males jpgs
He's in the closet, right?

Why do people care about this fat faggot?

We have to go back

did you guys see ltg's rant about trannys? lmao

Wait, this guy hasn't died yet?

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Do these usually take 40 minutes?



His pigroach luck is a more powerful force than can be measured by modern science.


He fapped on stream once, and back in the day his videos were such a plague on Youtube that multiple autists tried to cancel him and failed.

It's the tale of an obese layabout who overstayed his welcome due to his haters being more ridiculous than he is.

>tells the trustee they can talk “behind the scene”
Lmao! Oh Phil you silly guy

Phil going down is breaking the first seal of the apocalypse.