"China to ban online gaming, chatting with foreigners outside Great Firewall"


So the CCP is banning online gaming which will prevent players within mainland China from talking and socializing with people outside China. I think this is uncool, messed up and unfair. If Chinese gamers want to communicate with people outside of China and learn about the world's reaction to the CCP's handling of the coronavirus pandemic which they bungled(but at least Trump is going to take the blame, how convenient for the CCP) or vent about the CCP's authoritarian rule, Chinese gamers should.

Does anyone here play Lords Mobile(it's a mobile online game, but I haven't played it since early 2019) or any other MMORPG where they can communicate with Chinese players? How are things in China, because over on Yas Forums, some anons have trouble getting any information about what's going on in the country unless it's CCP approved propaganda.

Also, the virus leaked from a biolab.

Attached: China banning online gaming.png (659x300, 51.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>great firewall of china
fucking kek

Was this because of the animal crossing thing?

Wtf, I couldn't post unless I got rid of the Taiwannews link otherwise the system thinks it's spam.

derete this

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>I think this is uncool, messed up and unfair.
Who the hell wrote this post?

I’ve never run into a chink online. What games do they play?

4channel is owned by china what did you expect

Finally, no laggy players

The timing implies such.

In the article, it says the Animal Crossing game is one of the reasons why the CCP are angry and they said something that online gaming lacks authority or monitoring. It's just video games.

Oh no... now how will all those botters in EVE and WOW pay their bills?

Attached: maxheadroom2.gif (480x360, 1.62M)

time to spam that big trigger word text one last time to get every chink's ass raided

>Also, the virus leaked from a biolab.
As rotten as China is, I don't believe this for a second. China's complete lack of understanding of hygiene is a perfectly believable and realisitc explaination. It's still a crime against humanity to be that disgusting, of course.

>China region locks China

fucking based. If China wants to exist in a vacuum I say let them. Soon enough they'll collapse in on themselves again and we won't have to deal with China again until we can leave the Planet.

Somebody is gonna nuke some one soon. Fuck the world.

Google says that Yas Forums is owned by a Japanese guy.

I think Chinese companies own Riot games, so Chinese players probably play League of Legends. On Lords Mobile, there are a lot of Chinese players and a bunch of them use hacker programs to win at the game. I play SNK's Metal Slug Attack and there are Chinese players there. But after the Hong Kong protests started, I blocked a lot of mainland Chinese players, the players with the CCP flag. I've tried asking about how things are in China, but a few of them are all about how they defeated the virus. Unlike Lords Mobile, SNK's Metal Slug Attack doesn't have the translation thing which allows people of different languages to communicate with each other. In Lords Mobile, you can tap another players chat message and the system translates it.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is basically 100% confirmed not happening.
>"according to LTN, which cited news from a Chinese gaming forum."
>news comes from a taiwan news site which cites another taiwan news site which cites a random post on a gaming chinese forum website as its source

Basically it's not happening.

>tfw this is a secret Chinese ploy to get westerners to lower their guard in what they believe is a China-free internet

Good Riddance!
Literally nobody is going to miss Chinese cheaters.

Attached: thumbs up.jpg (301x267, 25.36K)

Hows Blizzard hold up, literally 50+% of income from WoW comes from China alone, are they not able to play the game anymore or do they have their own specific rules for that shit.

Steam loses 50 million accounts in one day
Tencent's Chinese-exclusive launcher gains 50 million accounts

based xi jinping keeping the trash where it belongs

Good god I hope they do this, I wont have to play with those cheating bugmen ever again.


TechTimes said that nothing is sure about the gaming ban in China, although they do cite the Taiwannews site and uses the information from there.

Anyway, with the surveillance and monitoring that goes on in China, they probably would ban online gaming.

can't come soon enough

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. TaiwanNews cites LTN (another Taiwan website) which cites a supposed post on some random Chinese gaming forum as proof of this happening. Anyone who thinks this is happening because of these articles is probably 85 IQ tier.

I don't know, I haven't really been playing anything from Blizzard because of the Hong Kong protests. I think a Hearthstone player of theirs supported Hong Kong protesters and Blizzard reprimanded him for it and took away his prize money or took away his place at a tournament to banned him from it. I don't remember, but Blizzard backed down from the punishments, I think, and their own employees walked out of the company to protest Blizzards actions.

archive.vn/FKOvS "Censored Contagion How Information on the Coronavirus is Managed on Chinese Social Media"

Well, the CCP does censor information online. Starting in early January, they've used surveillance to censor any talk about the coronavirus that began spreading in Wuhan and China.

Attached: Censored Contagion information on coronavirus managed on Chinese Social Media.png (800x679, 105.71K)

I assume you can actually read chinese since you're pretending like you know your shit

A chinkless EVE online makes my dick hard

Holy shit. I get to play and enjoy GTA online again.

It's fine. The companies will just move their infrastructure to China. We will still be able to chat and play with them we will just be censored.

I've never seen Chinese players in GTA:O. I see them everywhere in Red Dead Online.
They're usually either polite, or massive cunts.

I'm using Google Translate but it says that strict regulations might be happening.

Some of the translation reads: "Up to now, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong have all sent notices to game companies and publishing houses. Strictly changing skins, set numbers, and unapproved advertisements have become a fixed number. The implementation of the real-name system and the protection of minors are becoming more and more strict , Small games, consoles, stand-alone is also illegal. As Grape King said before, the most stringent game regulation in history may come."


There is a bunch of stuff Chinese people aren't allowed to talk about, and people love to spam that shit if they know there is a Chinese person in their game. Animal Crossing is just a recent example.


>I think this is uncool, messed up and unfair.
great bait. but yeah that happe

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>chink banning online gaming
>chinks only allowed to use their actual real name for ingame names
>IRL punishments for ingame cheating

you know what China, you win. please make this happen.

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