Choose one, Yas Forums

Choose one, Yas Forums

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She's probably going to sit there waiting forever for me because I haven't read the book she told me to in real life.

Here's a fourth answer: Who are you?



I was never here to begin with

>I'll move on someday.

Alter Ego (for cellphones)
I've readed almost all the books she has for me, i'm afraid i'm going to have to buy the aditional content or pirate it

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Nice, looks like a cool game, will check it out.

Do you know if she's got any text for when you haven't visited in a long time?

I hope not.

She does, and it made me feel bad and scared at the same time
Longest i went without visiting was
2 days

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She was just happy to see me. Which makes me feel worse, probably.

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I was about to check this game out, but pic related is the cringest shit I can imagine. Shitty etl porn game tier.

I like your dedication

Pump and dump all f*moids

W-what are you talking about hahahahah

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How often do you masturbate to her

Just downloaded the game, I like it when she calls me disgusting.

How does one get all the endings? I got the bad one, what about the good and true one?

this is the first time I've seen it

Keep touching her boobs and she asks you whether you get off to trash talk.

fantastic, i'll get right on it

Masturbate? Never
Hugging a pillow imagining her body warmth?
Every night

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those long fingers are made for handholding

Her malnoushired tummy is made for kissing....

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Im worried about this game

Ok OP, I'll give a try to your pseudo-psychoanalitic game
hope I'm not wasting my time

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Seems like a interesting game.
Honestly, theres not enough of these for phones.
Theres so many ways you can make interesting games on a device that people literally spend their entire day with, and apps can read pretty much every important information like what time is it, weather, your location, and it would be cool to have games use that information for cool features.

I know there was one CYOA game where the MC would regularly be in contact with you through notifications, though if you ignored her for a few days she might end up dead because you're trying to help her escape from aliens or some shit

damn I think I played that too. Really interesting concept that I wish caught on.

Theres a reason why Tamagochis were such a hit 20 years ago, and yet we keep getting shitty phone games that plays just like mobile versions of console games.
The Pokemon Go game had the right idea but in my opinion it wasnt half as good as it could have been.

Choose chaotic choices get bad ending, choose order based choices get less bad ending and choose neutral options for true ending.