What game let's me have a daughter?

What game let's me have a daughter?

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Fire Emblem

Last of us

Wonder project J 2


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that's not a daughter that's a wife

Rune Factory 4


>tfw I will never had kids
I think you can get one in Stardew Valley but it's shallow as fuck and not worth it.

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what does sex with your daughter feel like


Witcher 3


LGBT couple try to adopt kids for years meanwhile straighty pedos like:
can have kids of their own any time


*hits pipe*

Can't have kids if alone

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LGBT """"people"""" should be executed

Having a son is the most cucked thing you can do. Only a 40% chance of passing on his genes, also more and more boys these days are basement dwelling fuck ups


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>straighty pedos
Nigga LGBT "people" are bigger closet pedos

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The only answer is to ban all men from having or adopting kids. Only lesbians can get artificially inseminated and raise children

Not with the thorough analysis orphanages perform to make sure you're not a sexual deviant. Think a straight single male is gonna be able to adopt a little girl easily?
Trannies are already deviants by nature, though, so of course the chance to adopt goes out of the window instantly.

I see that you are seething mad faggot, its my time to leave :D

Bioshock (all parts)

Ackshually, single men aren't allowed to adopt, single women can under specific circumstances.

how is it pedo to desire a daughter that only has two dimensions?

It's funny because orphanages and even CPS are run by pedos. Should men even be allowed to work with little girls within these organisations?

Well, this thread has shown guys are pedos and anyone who wants a daughter really wants a sex slave.

A daughter and a son

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>Are you or did you ever browsed the following websites?
>Yas Forums

>what game lets me have a daughter and fuck her
ftfy. Otherwise it's just the *hits pipe* meme

How? Daughters are twice as likely to pass on their genes than sons. If I have kids, I hope I don't have a son. A complete waste of time and likely genetic dead end

>go home to Whiterun after a long quest
>"Daddy, you're back!"
Video games truly are the pinnacle of escapism.

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I completely forgot you could have a house, a wife and children in Skyrim.

i love my skyrim daughter soo much, i wish they expanded the dad mechanics so your children get scores from the school and that makes them bring you home better things also the option to read her a book while she sit in one of your legs.

>CP Services are run by pedos
Why are you surprised?

They are even more likely to pass my genes if I fuck them myself, to be honest.

Not really. They'll probably abort the child and then slit your throat in your sleep

Not in fetish fiction, you retarded moron.

Princess Maker 2.

>playing Sims 4
>make a house of one guy and 7 lolis
>have full ATF inspire intentions for this
>end up just being a dad for them all



lol whatever bugman