Achievement: Defeat a developer in multiplayer

>Achievement: Defeat a developer in multiplayer.

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what game

>Achievement: Spoonfed a newfag on Yas Forums

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most of those are like, for killing some other player who themselves killed a dev tho

Halo 3

Dino D-day

Multiplayer achievements in general are fucking cancer, doubly so if they unlock additional content.

Reminds me of the day where we would chase battlefield dev to get their dog tag

GTA 4. About 10 years after it came out, too.

I got this in some source engine game once, it was funny

Xcom EU had an achievement for either playing a dev or someone else who had played a dev, so I got that one somehow

Those achievements are ultra based just to make cheevo faggots seethe.

>online/multiplayer achievements at all
Fuck developers that do this shit.


>Achievement: Complete Multiplayer.

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>muh multiplayer anxiety
literally get gud and calm down you sperg, stop hiding in the tutorial solo mode

fuciking gmod

>Trophy requires you to finish within the top .1% of all players in the weekly top multiplayer rankings
Fuck you Killzone 2

>oh look at that the servers have been shut down.

>Achievement requires you to be #1 on the global leaderboards

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Red dead redemption

>Singleplayer focused game with a tacked on multiplayer
>Multiple achievements for multiplayer

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>'achievement' wants you to do dumb shit that you would never ever do in a normal playthrough

>that one achievement in ghost recon advanced warfighter where you actually had to be number one on the world wide leaderboard

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Serious Sam Revolution used to have one, it it was eventually removed

Then why do you care about those achievements bruh are you a psycho? lmao are you the type of kid that’s mad you can’t pick your own birthday too?

the duality of man

Offworld Trading Company has that

Achievements to be number 1 in the world are among the most cancerous ever devised.

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That didn't sound too bad until I realized that the top .1% of a generous estimate of 10,000 players would have been just 10 people.

That would be an actual achievement though.

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Brutal Legend.

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter did this shit

But that actually is an achievement.

And it doesn't even work anymore since YouTube changed their APIs around

Battlefield 4 for the 3x scope on the M1911 but they eventually removed that requirement. Also a camo that did something special IIRC.

just hit F5 bro.

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What the fuck is wrong with you

>what is 100% completion

>Achievement Unlocked - Post free or die.
Posted nsfw material on a blue board and then told a jannie to fuck off

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>not using SAM to unlock literal bullshit achievements like this one

Something you shouldn't care about

a meaningless metric, cheevos aren't game content.

>Achievement: Find ALL the secrets in MK2.

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It depends. In some games (I’m mostly thinking about World of Warcraft), they put so many achievements in the game, that they don’t expect anyone to ever complete them all. I understand that it’s frustrating for completionists, but it makes the really hard achievements more meaningful when you see someone who has it

Whoever didn’t realize you CANNOT fight Smoke is a god damn idiot

Shouldn't be hard now, game is dead

This is only a problem if you're autistic and can't stand not have 100%

>Achievement: Play the game for over a year (8760 hours)

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Battlefield BC2 or 3 I think. (Or kill someone who has the achievement)

I don't really care now that it's been over a decade, I was more buttmad then.
But if the servers still exist you'd need to be literally first place out of whatever few crazy players exist to get it anyway.

>be at QuakeCon the year they debuted Doom 2016 multiplayer
>competition to see if a group of randos at the event could beat a team of developers
>no one won anything and no one got even close to the scores the lowest performing dev was getting throughout the con
Like, what the fuck did they expect? Devs literally playtest their shit to near autismo speedrunner/twitch tv levels, no one who has never even touched their game before is going to get close

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Viral achievements are great.

>Achievements dont end in a 5 or 0 and fuck with your gamerscore

they expected you to not be an autist

>tfw used SAM

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achievement unlocked: back the game on kickstarter

something only low functioning autists care about.

>0.1% of players have this achievement
>It's not even hard to get


get good faggot