Blizzard, a company in which tencent has a 5% stake gets railed by the entire internet because of the bltzchung debacle

>Blizzard, a company in which tencent has a 5% stake gets railed by the entire internet because of the bltzchung debacle
>Riot, a company that is wholly owned by tencent uses it's new shit CS-Ripoff to install a rootkit disguised as an anti-cheat on your PC, the Internet just handwaves it


Is the general gamer just totally tech incompetent nowadays?

Attached: tencent001-gr (1).jpg (660x303, 23.99K)

People are stupid enough to be accidental hypocrites and not connect the dots on obvious shit.

Tencent spends billions capturing the "hardcore" normie market. These people give no shits, and are the majority.

When and where the fuck did it go so wrong

Blizzard gets my cash because I (used to) buy their games.
Riot gets no money and instead spies on me and tells the Chinese government that I jack off with degenerates on Discord.

One I give enough of a shit about to stop future purchases, the other's not getting my money for their free to play garbage so I don't give a shit. That's the distinction to me, but I also will still play the Blizzard games I've already got rather than making stupid gestures of throwing away crap I purchased.

Why didn't 50cent sue them?

Because retard normies are too busy consooming to realize that China wants to own them. Wish I could say this Shanghai Shivers debacle will change things, but I'm sure I don't even have to look it up to know that LoL's player count is probably up.

Because no one scream "Free Hong Kong" and got punished at Riot's LCL playoffs.

Normalfags don’t care at all. Not to mention that Riots fan base is a special kind of stupid. They primarily consist of 13-19 year olds who could get their identity sold off by riot and they would still defend them.
You have to be a brain dead retard to enjoy valorant or think it’s good in the first place.

>op is jealous that valorantfags and the rest of the internet didn't bitch about the rootkit or calling Riot out for a week

Good, Tencent deserves the world.

Attached: a tencent company.png (1616x912, 1017.71K)

t. chang
2 yuan have been deposited into your bank of china account
you may access them in 30 years

Tencent must thrive. We must allow them to build their empire.

Attached: ciwtencentempire-1-638.jpg (638x851, 49.66K)

I know you're memeing
but you cant sue chinese companies from outside china
copyright law doesnt work the same there

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I wonder how many retards here allowed a company to install a rootkit to let them use the mouse they bought for

Unless you're on Linux stop with the faux MUH PRIVACY

Riot does:
>Chinese Dota 1
>Chinese hearthstone
>Chinese auto chess
>Chinese CS
>Chinese minecraft
We are living in the big brother timeline broz

Attached: riot-games-hypixel-studios.jpg (755x490, 42.32K)


Attached: 1-5dQ5NEZix7Iekdk95cFiag.png (1474x606, 873.46K)

>>Chinese Dota 1
>>Chinese hearthstone
>>Chinese auto chess
>>Chinese CS
>>Chinese minecraft
Imagine all of those Zoomers playing Chinese Vidya, watching Chinese kino and using Chinese social media. God, I'm getting to erect.

Attached: acastro_190723_1777_tiktok_0001.0.jpg (1400x1400, 301.51K)

Shut up, being concerned about your privacy just because it sounds bad is how the western world rolls, it is the same deal with the authority having your fingerprints and DNA. Why do you hate freedom?

The live action mulan is tencent's gateway to buy Disney. Why can't we nuke them? I mean they have no allies right?


Please stop, user. My dick cannot get any harder.

Attached: zoomer-mid-floss.png (480x561, 92.89K)

>Compares the US to a communist dictatorship

Americans are not exactly bright.

>A Jewish-ruled dystopian vassal state Vs. A Pseudo-Communist dictatorship
Which is worse, hmm..

Why can't japs have netcode as good as them?

Attached: 650_1200.png (650x299, 55.44K)

But who's going to run it when all the Chinese are killed in WWIII?

Attached: 1586893067377.jpg (1079x1497, 716.2K)

Russia. But only because you reject Russia and their rightful claim to influence half of Europe as is natural and share and ally with them.

Better circumcised than red

Why tf does russia care? Aren't they like a second world country or some shit?

I don't play Riot games on principle. Ever since the very earliest days of LeL I've reckoned they had an overall bad attitude towards development, and I really dislike the ASSFAGGOTS genre.

god i fucking despise china


Then he should grab a few niggas and start drive-by shooting winnie