There are people on Yas Forums RIGHT NOW who don't own an old CRT

>There are people on Yas Forums RIGHT NOW who don't own an old CRT
What is your excuse?

Attached: sony-gdm-f520-21-trinitron-crt-color-graphic-display-1.35__00668.1490175505.jpg (1280x960, 47.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>not owning a portable CRT

Attached: 20200417_161059_HDR.jpg (4160x2340, 1.63M)

Find me one for under $50 right now and I'll buy one.

Does this count?

Attached: photo_2020-04-17_16-30-16 (2).jpg (608x1280, 148.9K)

My excuse is that I own a new CRT. I have a Wega just like pic related.

Attached: 1459732426347.jpg (1023x682, 93.03K)

>tfw own two professional CRTs
>such a hassle to connect consoles to them I just end up emulating everything on my PC anyways

Attached: neet.png (128x128, 29.91K)

But I do, It looks great with MechWarrior

Because they suck.

Yes, looks comfy.

I can't fucking find one. I want those 16:9 flat ones that goes to crazy 1800p resolution and 160hz or something.
I'm so sick of flat screen faggotry

Attached: 1575721685593.png (640x640, 60.81K)

They were shit in the years I owned them and praise every day since I dumped my last CRT that LCD took over.

You'll never own one. Those are the sort of crt's boomers speak so highly of and as such are impossible to source. The unrelenting sea of shit crt's most people used got dumped for a good reason.

think i have an 8 inch monochrome POS lying around somewhere

It's ok, to be an ignorant dumbass. Never too late to learn of what you've lost.

Attached: 1581329489671.png (512x93, 57.25K)

Yeah no dice amigo. Nobody cared for crts when LCD (or even plasma) became a thing - the obsession with them is a new age autism.

I live in the year 2020.

Attached: smileys-4909014_960_720.png (477x406, 138.39K)

Existing on a 1280x1024 in 2020 is suffering but I do it for the aesthetic

>I fucking love smeary blur everytime I look around
Again, you're an idiot and you refusing to look at reality, it's fine you'll understand one day.
Those were still great since they still somewhat retained some of the CRTs' biggest advantage.

That resolution is fine but it's the bare minimum. anything lower than 1024x768 will not look great for anything modern.

I have an old CRT in my closet. It's shit and I don't use it.

I can't wait until this round of quarantine is over. I've run out of CRTs I've gotten off of craigslist to smash with hammers. :(

I'm not a retard for starters. Why would you even want one? Emulation? Well, you must be doing something very wrong.

Well it's time for you to find the good ones.

haha get fucked

All the text would be too small and blurry to read

I choose not to, boomer.

Unless you're using RA shaders on a BFI lcd or TV you're also doing something wrong for emulation.

I did and I sold them off to autists like

My parents sold mine. They said it was “old” therefore it was shitty, and didn’t understand why I cared because I had new better TVs.

Carts are legitimately shit. Fuck off.
t. actually had to use these things when they were the latest tech

t. autist who got ripped off.

>didn’t understand why I cared because I had new better TVs
Such is life for normalfags. They also tell me my Sony Trinitron doesn't go well with my 1200$ LCD

>play 1024x768
>boost that render res to 200
More games need render resolution that isnt some gay shit like 100 and below

You can downsample most game with nvidia's DSR

AMD also supports such a method (which they call VSR).