Xbox E3 2020 Leak

The event begins with a trailer for Gears Tactics on Xbox One, with a surprise shadow drop. Then, we get a quick teaser for Gears 6 that’s more of a confirmation that it’s happening than an actual trailer.

Next, we get a demonstration of the Xbox Series X, We see new features, like the return of snap mode and the ability to have one game being played by one person while another person plays a different game.

Next we see Friendly Fear, a survival horror game by Playdead that will be published by Xbox, and will also release in 2021 for the Series X and the Xbox One.

Ori and the Dark Leaves is a stand-alone expansion for Ori and the Will of the Wisps to release in August.

A sizzle reel for indie games is shown, most importantly showing a port of Undertale for the Xbox One.

The new Battletoads gets a name, being Battletoads: Re-Turboed, and it is announced to be a Series X launch title. Also, another Rare game is announced, being a full remake of Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Nuts and Bolts, being called the Banjo-Threeie pack.

A reboot of Brink is announced as a multiplat game, being developed by the developers of Prey.

A remake of Dino Crisis announced, following suit of the remakes of RE2 and 3.

The original Phantasy Star Online will have its servers revived for the Xbox One.

Star Wars: Battlefront III is announced to be released at the Xbox Series X’s launch.

The Fable Albion Collection is announced as a Series X launch title, with the conformation that Fable IV is in the works.

Forza Motorsport 8 is announced as a launch title for the Series X.

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Sea of Thieves II is announced for the summer of 2021 as a Series X exclusive.

Grounded gets a new gameplay trailer.

Xbox announces that they have acquired yet another studio, this time being FromSoftware.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II gets a gameplay reveal trailer, and it will be a launch title for the Series X.

Perfect Dark Red is confirmed as a full sequel for Perfect Dark, developed by Double Fine instead of Rare.

Dead Rising 5 is announced for the Series X, being developed by PlatinumGames and releasing as a launch title.

ReCore II is announced for spring 2021.

Cyberpunk 2077 gets a final trailer, with a small teaser for The Witcher IV, confirmed as a Series X timed exclusive.

Age of Empires IV is announced, with it being a future-themed Age of Empires game, a la Alpha Centauri.

Splinter Cell is being remade for the Series X as a launch title, with conformations for remakes of Chaos Theory and Pandora Tomorrow.

Halo Infinite gets gameplay shown, along with a plot reveal, and it is announced as a Series X launch title.

And finally, we get a fakeout ending, before we get that one more thing. In this instance, it is an announcement of a new Crimson Skies game to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X.

Sounds like total crap.

>Age of Empires on a console.

E3 is cancelled you retard.

>*taps mic*
>*slight feedback with reverb*
>"OP is a faggot"
>"that is all"

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>A remake of Dino Crisis announced

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>Microsoft buys From Software
Pffff hahaha
>Blinx reboot
That'd be cool, Microsoft is fucking stupid, so obviously fake
>Dino Crisis remake ala RE2 and RE3
Bout damn time
>Gears 6
Only thing believable, because Microsoft is fucking stupid and won't let that stale shit die

This thing's going to fucking bomb.

!! RETARD !!

You just know these retarded corporate dick lickers like Timdog and Colteastwood are going to run to this thread, screenshot it and act like this shit will actually be true.

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Can't believe you went through all that trouble pretty shit desu. Take a lap op

why would you type all of this?

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All console war shit aside, Fromsoft being acquired by any of the three console manufacturers would be fucking tragic for gaming.

look at all that bullshit


OP, this is the third time you posted this and people have been pointing out various flaws like Age of Empires being revealed and being scifi when they already revealed it months ago and it isn't scifi.

Here's something more realistic:
Xbox Series S reveal event in May, showcasing Halo Infinite gameplay and ending with a Fable teaser -> "gameplay reveal in June" when they have their E3 replacement.

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Even me being an xbox fan there's no way I believe half the shit you posted here.

>Still posting this shitty ""Leak"" after being told to fuck off

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They are still hosting their own presentation retard

>Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II gets a gameplay reveal trailer, and it will be a launch title for the Series X.

This is how I know this is BS because they said its very early on in development which is a good 2 or 3 years away.

If this is true which is heavily doubt at least the games will still be on PC than locked down to some shitty console by Sony or some underpowered tablet by Nintendo.

Really? That was your first clue that all of this is BS?

Shut up retarded fuck

this, IF ms bought them theyre still on PC, and as we know all sonyfags have a gaming PC

Are leak threads the new
>What's up with millennials and why aren't they _____?

>PSO servers

I dont care if its only 5 people. I'd buy an Xbox One for this.

Everything in the OP post is plausible there's nothing so crazy to be unbelievable in there. Even the fromsoft acquisition I doubt it would happen but at the same time I could see it happening because MS are desperate for influence in japan and it's not like they haven't been on a spending spree for studios already so that is plausible too. The thing that really cemented this as BS was the hellblade news.

To clarify I mean OPs first post and up to the hellblade news. After that it gets a bit unbelievable.

>A reboot of Brink is announced as a multiplat game, being developed by the developers of Prey. or I better get a free copy

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you do realize that fromsoftware is own by company in japan right

Well if we're going to take this leak for """real""", the last major game of Ninja Theory came out in 2017

Fromsoft is owned by the kadokawa Corp so MS would have to buy it off them

>Gears Tactics shadow drop
>Even though it releases on the 28th of this month
Stopped right there

It's not on xbox one yet

Fair enough, though everything else is just fuckign retarded as well. The problem with these fake leaks is they keep acting like everything you could ever want will be announced, when really there's like 1 or 2 cool reboots/new IPs an event
And for the love of god, stop posting shit about Dino Crisis

>Halo Infinite gameplay demo
>Elden Ring gameplay trailer
>Cyberpunk gameplay trailer
>Perfect Dark reveal trailer (developed by Initiative)
>Fable 4 gameplay trailer (developed by Playground)
>Batman trailer
>Psychonauts 2 release date trailer
>Wasteland 3 trailer
>Everwild gameplay demo
>Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer
>Flight Simulator release date trailer
>Deathloop release date trailer
>Forza Motorsport 8 gameplay trailer
>acquiring JP Games Inc. & The Astronauts
>Crossfire X release date trailer and singleplayer footage (developed by Remedy)
>Starfield trailer
>Dying Light 2 release date trailer
>Bioshock reveal trailer
>Back 4 Blood reveal gameplay trailer
>Assassins Creed Ragnarok reveal trailer
>Obsidians new game (not Grounded)

You can expand on this, OP, for your next thread.

Its obviously fake because how would some random guy know about all the xbox upcoming games unless this is literally Phil spencer himself posting but I seriously doubt that. If some random guy knows then so does the whole rest of the industry and literally nobody is saying shit about it. Wed have several insiders mentioning this if it was true.

>banjo-Threeie pack.

Are you even trying, OP?

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Unironically the most believable thing. This is the same company that teased Conker before revealing it was just for Project Spark