>be a NEET
>have no drive to play vidya
>because wagie
>have no time to play vidya

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This image hits really hard

Afternoon shift still sucks but thank god I don't have to get up early any more

>work from home the past 4 months thanks to Chinkchonkland
>time of my fucking life
>playing vidya for phat stax
>govt giving me EVEN MORE on top of that
eat all the shit in existence NEETard

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Such is life, huh? I remember being a NEET and not being able to afford a console. Now I can buy all consoles, PC, and the next generation ones without a problem but I just don’t care.

Same with games. Used to have to save up to get a $60 one but now that I can spend even $500 on just games I don’t care to. Maybe I lost interest but I envisioned it being different like when I was a kid.

>mfw I got sent home from work because I had the shits and essentially got a paid 2 week vacation

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it's gonna be funny when the homeworking wagies have to go back to cagie
maybe then they will see the light

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>7 am

4 am. Any time before 9 am and i hate the day already and dread the next one. My favorite shifts are those that start at noon until 8 or 12pm. Wake up without an alarm, stay up late, the works. Im just mentally more into it. Unfortunately (even though i like it) im a teacher now and theres no fucking shift work

That must be fucking nice. I wake up 6:30 to get ready. I don't even have time for a shower/breakfast

Wake up at 6 4head

thats 2 pm for me

4am. 4:30 am if I don't care about being late

i used to do a 3 till 11 shift and i fucking hated that shit. my current job is a 9 o clock start and whilst i hate getting up early it still beats late shifts
to each their own i guess

That's not the point. My point is that it must be nice to get more sleep since OP wakes up at 7.

>be wagie with time to play vidya
>have no drive

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i've been WFH for the past month but i haven't played much vidya because i have a bad habit of waking up at 2 in the afternoon

I get up at 8 so I have time to excersize and play vidya while catching up on news and poscasts before my evening shift every day. I have roomates so rent and food isn't an issue. I have friends and beer so that vidya remains fun even if it's bad.

If you try to pretend you're not a social animal like every other human on earth then yeah you're gonna be miserable. You get no sympathy from me.

Sort your fucking life out. Crying does nothing you whiney fag.

>My point is that it must be nice to get more sleep
Sorry that your day only has 23 hours.

>If you try to pretend you're not a social animal like every other human on earth then yeah you're gonna be miserable
NPC logic

>Be wagie
>No time or drive to play vidya or do anything else
>All the energy and time to do whatever I want
I honestly have no idea how can normalfags defend wagecucking, this shit is fucking slavery.
I fucking wish I lived in a country where I could potentially get NEETbux, I fucking miss being a NEET.

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How happy are you?

I’m a “necessary worker” wagie who has to get up at 2:30am every morning. I fucking hate it but I need the money. If I could be a NEET, I would be.

>What is Schizoid personality
Normalfag's opinions are literally worthless so why do you even bother posting?

the trick is getting a job where you do nothing at all but still get paid. IT is such a sham its hilarious...but at the same time most companies would go under without a decent IT department because the average person can barely operate a computer.

>tfw spent the last 6 years surviving and nothing more, and not playing vidya with my bros
I don't even know if I'm going to go back. I forgot how much I enjoy life when I get to actually do shit with the people I like being around.

Wagies rn are working at home comfy.
Unless you retail or something

>brushing your teeth before having your coffee and breakfast

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>become a temporary NEET thanks to corona
>can't pick a game to play
>if I do pick one I can't stick with it

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I get up at 4 in the morning.
You should try it, actually, it feels pretty good once you get used to going to bed early and getting up early. And it gives you tons of time to get shit done if need be.

Modern games suck replay older ones.
A game should focus on being fun. Modern
game devs are obsessed with graphics and "hollywood" cinematic crap. I just want good
art direction and gameplay is that too much?
I really miss the old days.