When did you drop """"""""""""Cyberpunk""""""""""""" 2077?

For me it was when they removed multiple classes

Attached: JUST.png (1152x1152, 2.77M)

literally what the fuck was the point of changing her to be more ugly
>borderlands hair
god what a shit show of developement

when i first read:
>"from the developers of the witcher series"

I haven’t. In fact I’m getting more and more hyped for it as its release draws near. Thanks to all the polcucks for continuously reminding me this game exists and volunteering to become shills for the corporates.

Can't drop something you never intended to pick up. Witcher was shit.

Why are you insecure faggots so obsessed about looks of video game characters? What are you? 14yo girls living in "muh pretty fantasy lands"? If any developer challenges your "beauty" standards you cry like a babies.

This is just the marketing team. Just look up who it is and you will realize that they told the REAL developers that they should make ugly on the right so they can get the feminist audience.

Can't drop something that doesn't exist

Delay for console downgrades. Fool me once with Witcher 3, fool me twice, you won't fool me twice.

I haven't dropped it because I'm not a fucking idiot

Anyone here who says they aren't going to get it is a fucking liar. You'll skip getting it launch day and then the moment it goes on sale you'll pick it up, probably even sooner.

promo with unicorn tranny or something

Hey PR guy, when are they going to show us the techie? Please tell me it doesn't suck as bad as the netrunner with a fucking instakill hack halfway through the game.

Pre-ordered in February with my $100 Steam card I bought on valentines day.

Attached: file.png (279x281, 42.84K)

welcome to gossip-driven community where priestesses of rightthink will dictate to you what to do and how to think.

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't matter that there's less customisation options than in the e3 demo
>it doesn't matter that you can't see your character in cutscenes
>it doesn't matter that customisation is useless
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't matter that it has tacked on multiplayer
>it doesn't matter that npc's don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't matter that it's smaller than Witcher 3
>it doesn't matter that it's shorter than Witcher 3


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (326x412, 23.53K)

oh i'm getting it alright
i'm getting the free version

wow, is this the latest tranny incarnation?
go suck nigger dicks, you liberal faggot.

it was gradual
the fun stuff talked about in the older Yas Forums threads that people hoped to do were slowly sheered down to whatever streamlined shit this is

>it doesn't matter that it has microtransactions despite being a $60 game
>it doesn't matter that the protagonist is always a smug Josh Whedon quipfag
>it doesn't matter that the map is tiny
>it doesn't matter that you can travel across the map in 3 and a half minutes
>It doesn't need to have good music
>it doesn't matter that all the artists on the soundtrack Zoomercore garbage
>it doesn't need to not have degenerate anti-white american zoomer pandering artists
>it doesnt matter that the music has shitty mumble rap in it
>it doesn't matter that it gets delayed again after being in development for 7 years
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't matter that the devs aren't even at their offices anymore to work on the fucking game
>It doesn't matter that FemV is even uglier now
>it doesn't matter that there are literal tranny wish fulfilment gangs in the game now
>it doesn't matter that CDPR have diversity Quotas
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have substance


Attached: Dabbing on CDPRshills.png (808x783, 234.86K)

Pirating it still means you want to play it user

>doesn't know that using n-word is a big nono

i preordered it, so I'm in for the long haul

>playing as the girl
>playing as the DEFAULT girl

same, but please don't praise corpos

what is wrong with you? who hurt you?

Dystopia/cyberpunk setting that has characters with shaved side of the head haircut or dreadlocks should be bannable. How can creators think it still looks rebellious or edge-cutting?

Based Shazam bro

Attached: 1262129833069.jpg (1200x797, 99.26K)

>it doesn't matter that you can travel across the map in 3 and a half minutes
Am I the only one who wouldn't actually mind this if the world was nicely compact and it removed a lot of the dead time travelling from location to location? One of the things that annoys me so much about GTA games is that they make massive empty maps, and then they use that as an excuse to pad shit out with pointless dialogue as you drive from mission to mission

not sure what this post meant, but dilate

It doesn't need to fill your inaccurate expectations because you are a 17 year old who watched Blade Runner 2077 and thinks he knows what Cyperpunk is despite never playing it.


Attached: 1586788792364.jpg (332x332, 14.91K)

First gameplay trailer.

Someone post the new creative director of this dumpster fire.
You know the one.

But the game isn't even out yet.
Just pirate it faggot.

Attached: OP.jpg (526x560, 62.29K)

She's not just "more ugly", the entire model is lower detail and worse looking overall.

>left bots can't meme
>right bots can't think

Pre-ordered with all my friends and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it other than seethe

Attached: 1587142754789.gif (360x360, 2.25M)

Dropped it when I realised the game is nothing like the godlike and based concept trailer that we first got. How could they fuck it up so badly?

probably after I play it, unlike moronic children

Well, US West Coast is already filled with bums and junkies so I'd say it's pretty accurate famalam.
It's pretty hilarious how mutts keep seething over the fact that the game looks so much like their own 3rd world dystopia.

Attached: 1513168029617.jpg (248x203, 10.85K)

>"You want to try to stay as close to the original game as possible, since it is the inspiration. We even want to have an option of printing your character sheet from the game. Balancing the game and all of its stats while remaining true to the original handbook is one of the main problems our designers try to solve. And I must say, to this point they have been quite successful."

So we're still getting this option right?
They didn't just drop the multiple classes and character sheet for a shitty GTA knock off did they?

Attached: Yeah that's progress.png (1806x868, 1.11M)

slow down there cocaine hegel, go play disco elysium or something. owning people that hard is unconstitutional

Hello? Based department?

>lower detail
>the face implant has an actual normalmap to give it depth instead of just being a black line painted over the face texture
>lower detail

crust punks aren't supposed attractive


>the source material certainly doesn't have anything like that!


Attached: cyberpunkhair.png (337x750, 230.84K)

I literally cannot wait for this to win GotY from every publication imaginable and watch the seethe in full cope mode

I wouldn't mind it at all if the game took place within a city block, and the devs maintained some illusion that you were still in an uber massive city, like how Deus Ex handles Hong Kong in both of its appearances. Problem is that it seems like from the concept art of the map that CDPR is going the Bethesda route by shrinking down the scale of the entire city

this is a setting where you can supposedly get transplants of anything so that makes no sense

I'm getting vtmb2 instead

You make no sense.

Cyberpunk, a genre best known for its prim and proper 1950s style fashion and aesthetics as well as white nationalist undertones.

when I realised the game's now Cyberprogressive 2077

Cyberpunk is, for all intents, one of the genres that SHOULD have that hair as an option, simp.

When they said it was cyberpunk themed.

Name a good cyberpunk game. You can't. All shit.

i dropped it when normies got on board
still gonna buy it and play it for hundreds of hours and come here to shitpost about how awful it is tho