ITT: Very overrated games

ITT: Very overrated games

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Imagine playing this game to even know that it's overrated.

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i forgot what this was
was it another souls clone or a horror game? i think i had it on a list somewhere to try but never got around to doing it, whats it like?

Lot ofpeople recommended itto me, quit the first time after the first 40 minutes, trying to play it agan.Just can't bring myself to finish it, it's too boring man, idk why this game got so many awards.

Hellblade is underrated you loser. The storytelling
is amazing and the graphics are fathomable.

Never heard of it, must not be very overrated then.

welcome to modern games, it's why i still play doom 26 years later.

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It's supposed to be a narrative driven walking simulator with some combat elements, portrays shcizophrenia accurately(atleast thats what people say).Bored me to death.

so like heavy rain or the last of us?

Underrated?It has 80+ scores on metacritic, on PS4/PC/XBONE - don't know how that is underrated.It won some awards aswell, which i still don't get.the graphics aren't anything groundbreaking, they're ok for a $30 game.Storytelling is standard for a walking simulator such as this game lmao

Not even close, TLOU and Heavy Rain are way more interesting.

can never go wrong with doom m8

>heavy rain
fuck it's been so long. SHOES FOR SHAUN! DAD CAN I HAVE A PULLHOON?

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Stop trying to shit on others success. You fucking
losers are the problem with games your not a fucking critic your a nobody.

i actually played it like 3 months ago after they ported it to PC so idk how the PS3 version was lol

calm down virgin

this game was amazing

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>40 min

HAHAHAHA you didn't even get past the very first fight didn't you.

get gud.

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Autists on Yas Forums shit on this game because they are physically incapable of empathizing with a woman.
got to somewhere around 1:30 first time i played, got bored and just uninstalled

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Hellblade is legit the best game of 2018. Anyone who says anything differently outs themselves as as a filthy casual.

They literally can't saying anything except....."b-but female p-protagonist....b-but the sjws"

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damn bro i bet you fuck tons of bitches since you understand this game haha

You got a minute and 30 seconds into the game before getting bored?

>empathazing with a woman
get a load of this fucking normalfag

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i dont have anything against the female protagonist part mate, i have a problem with the game being boring to me.

"haha let me ask him if it was a minute even though i know he meant hour that would be funny i think haha"

No, just a slow walking simulator where the only gameplay is "find a shape in the scenery" and sometimes a QTE combat

But the graphics are quite amazing and the nordic setting is cool. The concept is beyond artsy and pretentious though

I love Hellblade, but best of 2018 is a bit too much to be honest. Top five certainly, top three maybe, #1 probably not.

But the cool female is literally the only reason I tried this game

Ah yes, the magic buzzword that allows you to cop out of engaging with themes or nuance and seem like you're making a real criticism despite saying nothing.


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The game brags about "having real schyzos describe their cray-cray feels" to portray an amazingly realistic experience of madness, when it's just your standard "offscreen narrator and enemies were actually illusions" game.

Max Payne dream sequences were more disturbing than this entire game.

Not even once

It's a good game with stupid story but it's fun to play and looks beautiful and has interesting puzzles.