Game is better than the entire film franchise it's based on

>game is better than the entire film franchise it's based on

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pic unrelated btw

>hide and seek simulator
>game drags on for way too long
nah it's shit

Nope. Alien 1 and 2 are just too good. The rest not so much.

Shit game. Not enough time jannies.

>hide and seek
>drags on for way too long
every alien movie

That's exaggerating but it is fantastic for sure. I play with the Unpredictable Alien mod and with the Silent Alien mod, really makes much more like the movie.

What the game really needed was for the Alien to random be hiding in rooms not moving when you enter and then suddenly jumping out and killing you when you got too close. And also to enter vents more often.

Alien 3 is gud

this, i have yet to see real criticisms towards it beyond "uhhhhhh b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but they killed that marine guy with no personality and the kid at the beginning of the movie!!" as if that somehow makes the whole thing bad

>Silent Alien mod

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>locked door simulator
Yea, no.

nope. Gonna stop you right there. This thread will not devolve into an argument about whether or not alien 3 was bad. Chad Tip: It's shit, and doomed the franchise for good.

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Wrong, the first 3 Alien films were much better.

terrible bait, wow

The movie knew when to quit. Alien Isolation drags on for 30 hours and has you glaring at the alien impatiently waiting for it to leave which is absolutely not the horror/fear the movie was evoking. The level design and atmosphere are on fucking point, best adaptation of the movies ever graphically, but everything else is dogshit.

>Alien Isolation drags on for 30 hours and has you glaring at the alien impatiently waiting for it to leave
git gud
throw bait

The crafting system was a bigger waste of time than just waiting.

>played on easy difficulties
If you just stay in the same room as the Alien, even if you're hidden it will find you.

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I played through on normal. I started on hard but it seemed to just be more waiting with no additional challenge so I switched. If I wanted to watch paint dry I have farm sim free from EGS.

It's better than Alien 3. I like the conclusion to Ripley's character but everything else about that movie is a mess that even the director is ashamed of.

>unpredictable alien mod

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I really gives me the feeling that I'm inside an Alien film.

More like enter vents at all. Bitch never goes in if you're not in one.

It happens but very rarely

Movies were ok tho.

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>even the director is ashamed of
99% of the reason why he doesn't like the movie is because he is eternally ass mad at fox for how they handled the production not because he thinks the movie itself is bad

unpredictable alien mod is essential imo. ramps up the fear, reduces the potential tedium. also playing on hard.

Good thing I grab it before it got removed from GOG.

>Alien franchise is so fucking dead that we will never see Earth War comic series TV adaptation
God damn it...

Wish I could do the same.

it makes the game a little easier imho, but at the same time, it makes it also much more immersive.

Wait what ?

>survival horror
>there's crafting

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it could stand to be a little easier. i like it better when your deaths are more meaningful and you feel more responsible for them. you will still get fucked up occasionally unless you're ridiculously careful, and you never know when. also makes the survivors and working joes suitably intimidating on hard

Give me your idea of a horror game from a different franchises

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The sound of footsteps irl would put me on edge for a while after playing this

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Alien isolation but jurassic park