Why didn't he just talk to people on a bus?

Adachi is such a retard. Had he just taken the bus and talked to some people he would've made friends instantly and he wouldn't have become such a resentful asshole. I should know, I talked to some people on a bus in England one day and they were acting very friendly towards me, I'll have you know!

Keep it vidya related

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Adachi doesn't take the bus, Inaba is small enough that you can pretty much walk anywhere you need to go.

It doesn't have to be a bus. Really he could just approach any group of people, and they would have welcomed him with open arms.

But it's much easier to make friends on a bus! You literally just need to enter it, sit down near a group and start talking along with them about whatever.

>Talking to people on a bus randomly
Americans are disgusting.

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He thought he was above all that, even though he did have a group of people that welcomed him with open arms. The issue was the shit in life Adachi received before then. He worked hard and focused solely on that, and all it got him was a demotion to some hick town. Of course we're unsure if Adachi did anything specifically to earn the demotion, but the point is Adachi is a fool.

You can have nice conversations on a bus but never make real friends. Most people just want to mind their own business.

This. They also have nowhere to run after you approach them.

>You can have nice conversations on a bus but never make real friends. Most people just want to mind their own business.
The people at the bus in England were very friendly towards me

Most people that use the bus are crazy in some way.

>Talking to people
>In England
It’s almost as if you’re asking to be raped by migrants

>Conversation with random strangers on mass transit
>he would've made friends instantly
You are unironically autistic

What was his true end goal?

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What's wrong with making friends on a bus user?

>playing Persona 4 Golden on the bus
>stranger compliments me on my tastes
>made a lifelong friend
You should ride the bus more often, Yas Forums.

>"Just ride the bus lol"
Doesn't work like that for the rest of us.

>rode the short bus
>Now i'm murdering people by accidentally pushing them into TVs


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They thought you had special needs.

Unironically how the fuck do you make friends in your mid 20's if your job isn't with other people?

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Holy fucking shit literally
just talk to people on the bus for example

he wanted daddy too fuck his boy-pussy.

more like how you make friends at all?
and i don't mean "friends" or acquaintances but real long-lasting friendship,
Did japanese cartoons lie to me?
Is it even possible? Or the chances are so low as True Love.

spent more time on this than i should have

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>just talk to people on the bus for example

Ask me how I know you don't use public transport.

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Bused. I'm working on my own, but I think you got just about everything.

excellent work soldier, only problem is that from pic related part of the post the reader can't see the context (bus-user's posts). Might want to edit a little more to fit the posts in there before the replies start but I'm not going to force you considering you already did more than enough

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>talking to people on the bus

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Your 'life long' friends are made during childhood, and it gets much harder to make the same connections when you're older and jaded. That being said, you can still make normal friendships at any age, just go outside and do hobbies with other people.

wait forget it I'm autistic. Didn't know where to start reading

>molesting children in bullet train is better
Fucking weebs

Who are you quoting?

>not giving children some quick character growth
It's like you want them to grow up weak.

based drawfag

because he thought he was better then them, and he was.

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>the virgin incel serial killer adachi vs the chad mass murderer akechi

Isn't the first place you meet Akechi on the subway. That's basically just a big bus, so it makes sense he's a chad after talking to everyone on it.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can be lonely when people are everywhere connecting with the internet. If you actually want any kind of interaction all you have to do is look for it.

Kinda funny if you consider he did just out of nowhere started talking to the phantom thieves and barged himself in.

And the group actively hated him.

Not in Persona 4, idiot. Internet only arrived in p5.

Internet existed in Persona 3, Inaba is just full of hicks