What characters do you roll for in gacha games?

What characters do you roll for in gacha games?

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Only cunny, everything else is worthless

The cute ones

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these white haired gacha characters all just blur together

yes, but this particular one has midriff and usually closed eyes.

Why’s that?

Cute ones.

GFL is shit because you can't use cute dolls and win.

This, GFL cunny dolls are pnly used situationally, while they’re the strongest in FEH now

The good ones

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Forgot pic

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kuuderes and vengeful girls.

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While your taste is dangerously based, the best gacha are X-rated.

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Just my waifu

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Not him but you can get everything else pretty easily. Cunny is harder to obtain so it's more valuable.
>inb4 some idiot brings up koikatsu or some shit
I said harder to obtain stupid.

>he spends his entire quarantine time making gacha shit threads on Yas Forums only to watch them die when porndumping stops


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For all of them because AL is that generous

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How do you find a gacha game with cute girls to get into before its 3 years old and you missed most the events?

Seems like its impossible to find out about these things until they've been around.

Anyone that has a nice design or meta meme due for their efficiency.

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if that bothers you that much just look into the databases for voice clips and jerk to the porn, if you're proficient you can make a desktop application to interact with said pics like the game.

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How’s the game itself

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>AL is that generous
This. Also Reno is such a good girl.

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Hard, apparently