What will happen at FF7R Episode : II

What will happen at FF7R Episode : II
>Time jannies will strip you from all your items and levels so you have to grind them all over again
>There no open world to travel and you just go this new linear path way to Junon
>No Yuffie
>No Mythril Cave
>No Phoenix Mountain
>No Midgar Zolom
>Still cant pick party members and your stuck with the team members the chapter gives you, and Red XIII is still not party member
>The whole story is not retconned to an different story. Surprise no more spoilers for new gamers a whole new story awaits!!!
>You need PS5 to play it because sony money
Streamers and gamers will defend it because it has good combat and good graphics.
Well Yas Forums what will we do about it?

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So this is the power of doomer's humor...huh...

honestly I don't really care if they shat on the story as long as we get a CloudxAerith wedding for pt 3 in beautiful unreal engine 5

>CloudxAerith wedding for pt 3 in beautiful unreal engine 5
Aerith is already taken and Zack is alive.

The time jannies are dead

FFVII doesn't have an "open world" in the first place so who cares? Unless you're really hoping that the game lets you wander around in a giant empty plain with only one place to go.

Open world is a huge meme.

To be honest, time janney aside, they stuck to all (and even more) stuff that was on the og game. I'm expecting the no open world part.

Also, you couldn't change party members in the og until you were out of midgar, learn the Basic shit before shitposting at least

cloud said he's gonna come for her regardless. clearly you don't know good romance storytelling

They open a branch of ghostbusters and staypuft is the new endgame boss.

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>will delete all your weapons, levels, materia, and items
God. Fuck. Please do it Square. Please fucking kill yourselves with such a monutentily retarded move.

t never played original

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1. Aeris still dies initially, like always, but this time around they're making multiple ending routes (at least 4 endings thus far) and TWO of them will be where you'll be able to revive Aeris and have her in the party legitimately until the very end.

2. You will only get the standard classical (Aeris is dead) ending during the very first play through. Other endings will become obtainable only at New Game+ and harder difficulties.

3. Zack is dead, but you will be able to dress up Cloud as Zack, with Aeris and other characters having extra dialogue/scenes for that.

4. Original first Avalanche (from Before Crisis) and it's creator will be mentioned in cut-scenes and Before Crisis' backstory will have a place in the scenario.

5. Don Corneo is not dead after Wutai.

6. Palmer won't die from being hit by a truck, but will die in a completely different place (they currently planning to kill him off at Icicle) and at another time (more closer to what equals the end of Disc 2 in the original).

7. There are going to be more playable characters introduced to the cast, though all of them aren't permanent and are merely just temporary guests. After their sections is going to be over they'll become NPCs available for talking and giving out sub-quests, most of them boarding Highwind after you obtain it.

8. There is still chocobo breeding, but you won't be able to obtain green, black, or gold chocobo early on, for balance and anti-cheating purposes to curb anyone who'll try old tricks on the world map like in the original version of the game.

9. Minerva will return as a Summon, but won't be obtainable until New Game+.

10. World map is greatly expanded upon location-wise: you'll be able to visit places that were only mentioned or only existed in Before Crisis, in Crisis Core, Last Order, in Advent Children, and in Dirge of Cerberus.

11. World map traversal is not like FF XV, but with super-deformed chibi models resembling "World of FF".

Part 2 in 2022, Part 3 in 2024, and Part 4 (the last) in 2027. The entire game is roughly 82% done/complete right now in all actuality, but they're just holding it back from releasing fully because they plan to polish things out more with time and to accumulate enough hype (which will drive sales) with each "chunk" release. Part 3 in particular fully equals original game's Disc 2 in it's entirety, BTW (+ a lot of new places and content mentioned before), and it'll begin and end exactly where original FF VII's Disc 2 begins and ends. Part 4 will be released only in 2027 and no earlier because they wish to tie it in with the 30-th anniversary of the original game.

That's basically that, for now. No, I don't work at SquE, but I have an insider there who's been working at the company since Chrono Trigger's development days and in the past he worked on Parasite Eve, DewPrism, and Bouncer.

Screencap this info, as this is exactly what you'll be getting in the next few years.

were talking about episode II which ends at junon

World Map =/= Open World Play

That's not an open world, it's literally no different from just pointing and clicking on map locations to warp to.

the world map was open world play you idiot. Especially after you get the air ship

Yes I'm sure the entire 40 hour episode will encompass one hour of the original

Is Mass Effect open world? You can fly your ship around a galaxy map in the same way.


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You think they'll be able to crank these out as quickly as the Xenosaga games were? Those were like 2-3 years between games.

The only thing worth noting that happens in the world map is you waiting for Dimond on the beach and cashing down Ultimate. There wasn’t a whole lot of game play that actually took place on that map, the majority of the game was played in the zones you had to walk to, most were rendered maps with premade boundaries.

>Time jannies will strip you from all your items and levels so you have to grind them all over again
at very least, i'm sure there will be a save transfer bonus and you'll start at level 30 or something.
>There no open world to travel
you say this like it's a bad thing.
>You need PS5 to play it because sony money
square's already committed to making the whole remake cross-gen.

The world map is basically a hub or even just a glorified menu.

except you can get it battles on it unlike a menu

Just like 90% of other locations in the game. Your World Map is not the same thing as Open World Play, you brainlet.

Im pretty sure Yuffie is going to he the one that causes the restart.

>Zoomers literally think world layout is a fucking menu
Holy shit please Nomura rape FF7 even more next time.

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We will only meet Yuffie in Wutai which long time a head and if we will even meet her

Just make her obligatory to get before Zolom/after the cave, maybe with a forest zone in the middle.

With Red XIII, that's 2 characters for part 2

Red XIII is too hard to animate so he will never be a party member

Holy shit you're fucking retarded. Are zoomers literally incapable of comprehending scale? The world map was fucking massive and full of battles, it wasn't just moving your ship to a location and pressing x. Holy fuck you're fucking dumb.

okay boomer

yes it is

>No Midgar Zolom
They gave the Hell House it's own boss battle. The Zolom will make an appearance.

>Midgar Zolom is just random arena boss