Is VR the future of gaming?

Is VR the future of gaming?

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We are about to see the Super Marios, Dooms, GTAs and Sonics of this new frontier.
New IPs, a giga jump of experience that were only experienced and appreciated when we jumped from 2d to 3d... It's fucking happening.

We will have a parallel version of NES real soon on VR. It's gonna fucking change gaming for good.

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Can I have sex with furry characters in VR these days ?

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I've been trying to make some MMD videos with VRchat but I've run into some speedbumps:

First, the camera seems to be grossly offset for reason, having the whole scene shifted to the side so it's barely in view at all. Secondly, my webm converter fucking cuts the video file in half, presumably in order to stay under /wsg/'s filesize limit. It does this even when I record with babby-tier 480P resolution.

Any tips for a filthy casual?

Is my first attempt at a stage performance. I was honestly disappointed how this turned out, mainly because otherwise this model syncs beautifully with the animations.

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Literally half of the time spent in VRchat is doing exactly this.

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lel shill more and try get vrg to raise those steam ratings

Cope poorfag

lmao how's that discord shilling going? can't get a meetup on your own server so you spam /vrg/'s?

Maybe if you're talking about actual games and not shit like VR Chat.

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Is VRChat really the best VR has to offer? That's sad.

Absolutely and the only people who would truly think otherwise just haven't played enough VR games to realize that any type of game can be made better with VR if the dev really tries, or are sea leglets who can't train themselves to be stronger. Or they're retards who can't imagine that VR technology could possibly get better and cheaper over time.

/hmofa/ is a wonderful place.

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Then I'll gladly stay in the past. God knows there are enough older good games

i think the thing that bothers me the most about this is that i know whoever is doing this is not a biological woman

oh look it's the faggot that didn't take the free programmers and game developers because he wanted to fuck around with a virtual rave and didn't wanna make plans correctly so the people left that offered to help.

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on a friday night as well

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Cute and funnypilled.

Remember asking us to work for free until you can get the game out?

Remember refusing work from material designers and texture artist?

Remember how you refuse to take the advice from people working on actual games?

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How much is the investment for full body tracking, excluding headset from cost?

show pantsu

Yup, seems kino future to me.

It's basically Second Life so I don't see why not.

Everyone fucking around with VR but what about AR? Is no one working on that?

Everyone in the game is fucking each other now.

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Gonna need to see some more of this. For research.

it's just my model.

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Your mistake is not realizing that AR and VR are not technologies but categorizations for a media format that certain technologies make possible. The only real difference between a headset that can do VR and a headset that can (also) do AR is that one has a screen that can seemingly go transparent on a per pixel level of control. If you have a really good AR headset then it is already a VR headset. The problem is that displays that can go transparent like or similar technologies aren't advanced and cheap enough yet, but everyone's working on it.

You have my interest. She's very cute.

I guess i can send you photos of her or something if you really want more of her.

There's a video someone posted in one of these threads earlier that was demoing some VR porn game where you could use a sex toy and controller tracking to fuck characters.
Of course, the character they used to demo this cutting edge tech, was a pony.

Ugly as sin.

horsefuckers want their delicious vr horse pussy user.

Meh everyone has a style.

And look at this example. VR headsets can already do a kind of limited form of AR. It's entirely possible that AR-only headsets may never exist as consumer products, at least successfully.

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Sure. Email is riegneux.ragnar@gmail

just discord me i don't even care.


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choobie is absolutely based and I wish I had those moves


OK, now that is pretty neat. The grid area reminds me of the summon fields in Bakatest.