The exact moment WoW died

The exact moment WoW died

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That isn't Wrath

This isn't TBC

Warcraft should've stayed an RTS series

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wow was never good

whoops, op here. Posted the wrong picture:

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Kind of. In Pandaria devs realized that they can squeeze more subscriptions by time gating everything in the game. Initial daily madness, legendary cloak and etc.

The content itself was top notch though.

You mean that last time it was good.

MoP was great


best specs

best raids

god tier aesthetic


sort of.
quality of the game dropping off and the slow removal of more and more RPG elements and stuff that made WoW, WoW started up in mid-late cata. pandaria was more just when it started to go full swing. Panda had a good patch or two but ended up going full retard, overall it wasn't an amazing experience.

Wrath is the expansion that killed the game
>changed the raid system literally every single tier, making raiding itself an inconsistent mess for the whole expansion
>introduced dungeon finder
>homogenized specs to a degree that the current devs are STILL trying to fix
>casualized the game to a degree the game has never recovered from
>ruined the lich king
>ruined ner'zhul by retconning him out of existence
>ruined the entire scourge plotline
>had a completely terrible fucking ending done by coward writers who didn't have the balls to kill the lich king without replacing him
>hahahah death knight balance

>homogenized specs to a degree that the current devs are STILL trying to fix
They never even attempted to fix them, in fact they've become even more homogeneous

Revives teammate mid arena and comes back as ghoul

i'd actually argue dungeon finder could've a net gain but took over too much of the game.
reason being people were starting to use that god awful gearscore addon and nearly every group started demanding much higher gearscore reqs than the dungeons they were wanting to run gave, so dungeoneering became a huge shitshow outside of Dungeon Finder.
though i agree it's a net loss now

u described tbc tho

b-b-but muh pandas

>They never even attempted to fix them

yeah this is completely false. Ion has repeatedly cited giving everyone their own niche as part of his design philosophy and actively shit on "bring the player not the class" design

and yet it was the best xpac i've ever played, mop had god tier progression and timeless isle was the best pvp

And yet Ion has helmed the catastrophic decline of the games player base since WoD, so much so that in any sane world he'd be fired long, LONG ago but as the former employees have said the place is a circlejerk where bad employees stay forever because buddy factor trumps quality of projects.

>dungeoneering became a huge shitshow outside of Dungeon Finder.

dungeon finder exposed the people who actually do content to the rest of the warcraft playerbase who normally were too casual to bother doing content and made them realize how fucking bad they were

and because of that, any queuable content has to be completely braindead because literally every chucklefuck has access to it. that's why basically every new feature in the last 2 expansions is premade groups only: mythic dungeons, mythic+, the upcoming torghast shit, horrific visions, etc.

it's so players can know who they're bringing it and make sure they aren't forced to do shit with actual retards

I'd say it was deffo in decline at that point but Legion really pulled it back a bit. They should never have brought both factions together an kept it separate the whole time. BoA was a good idea but poorly implemented

The problems after pandaria happened because people literally bitched about having too much content be cause they thought they had to do every single daily every single day. That's how we ended up with wod having zero dailies and it was completely replaced with a mission table..

>And yet Ion has helmed the catastrophic decline of the games player base since WoD

Ion didn't become game director until like a month before legion came out. you can blame the disastrous direction of tom "we want yearly expansions" chilton for WoD and you can also place how fucking terrible Legion was for its first 6 months or so on him too. Ion did pretty good directing legion's patches and he fucked up on BFA super bad, but he's shown some pretty big humility about his mistakes which is more than chilton ever fucking did so I respect him way more. Shadowlands is looking pretty good.

>implying WoW wasn't the death knell of the MMO genre as the focus shifted towards rewarding casuals for as little effort as possible
i'm going to guess you never played any of the pre-WoW MMO's for a significant amount of time, then.

Cata was the end

Cataclysm is where it died. The original team left for other projects and gave us the Lich King fight as closure in Wrath. The game as made by their new mix of chinks and SJWs deleted everything beloved in the world, destroying zones, music, and questing, and gave us garbage new characters like Garrosh. You weren't supposed to keep playing after Wrath.

Attached: cataclysm-logo.jpg (670x379, 60.42K)

Remember that time in bfa when they said they couldn't unfuck priests and shaman without a major patch because they needed more than a numbers tweak to fix them? Then they waited 3 months to give them a numbers tweak and nothing else.

Dailies are retarded, because they time-gate content. Like all their idiotic novel ideas, it serves the opposite of its intended purpose: It intends to get you to play less, by limiting how much you can do, but it actually gets you to play more, by compelling you to log on daily. Of course, they realized this in retrospect, and dailies became a reason to get people to constantly log on rather than an attempt to prevent burnout. Even there, the problem was never that there were too many of them. If was that you couldn't e.g., stockpile them over a week or several weeks and do them all at once, but had to log on every day for that cancer.

That's nice that you believe what the shitty dev says. That's not the reality though, as anyone who's played retail will know.

I'd go so far as to say that there aren't really any classes anymore at all

>gave us garbage new characters like Garrosh.
ah, I see you started in cataclysm

>A character in wotlk