ITT: dishonest game design

ITT: dishonest game design

Attached: maridia.jpg (480x360, 33.8K)

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A bit further over, where you're first able to enter Maridia, it's from an almost identical room with a pipe that was already broken. It ain't dishonest, you just got got.

What does dishonest even mean in regards to game design?


"Unintuitive to some people" is a statement that has meaning. What the hell is "dishonest" supposed to mean here? Just call it what it is, no need to emotionally load it.

We had this same thread with the same op several days ago buddy. Just gonna post this so we can end this sooner.

Attached: barrel.jpg (640x480, 299.12K)

It means "I am retarded and the game didn't hold my hand enough".

>room with a pipe that was already broken
I just played this game recently and don't remember seeing this at all. Is this another case where an user lied everyone just parrots them?

It's an established rule that bombing a tile will reveal what weapon is needed to break it. Bombing the pipe reveals nothing, so it would be reasonable to assume that it can't be broken and that room is just a transitional corridor.

No, you just never played Super Metroid.

>pleb filters

Can you show me a screenshot of the broken pipe room? I just remember running though a cave after the glass pipe.

>get power bombs
>figure out they break or reveal everything breakable in range
>use one on every single screen because im stuck
>find a bunch of extra stuff and figure out how to proceed

Not that user but here ya go you baby. Needing spoonfed and shit.

Attached: brokentuberoom.png (512x1024, 95.98K)

I figured this shit out in 2 minutes when I was 9. If you got stuck here you're a sub 100 IQ pleb.

Don't you have to break the glass pipe to get to this room?

Helps that the room with the broken tube has crabs that drop power bombs when you kill them.
The game subtlety informing you that maybe you should use said power bombs in a similar room.

>itt low iq brown people

Literally the opposite. It’s intuitive. Only a “gamer” living in the world of mechanics would be deceived.

Not him but I just replayed SM this week and I swear you had to access maridia through the bombed tunnel to get to that room.

Attached: dose canyon.gif (329x302, 6.73K)

I will admit I only got by this because I was an overactive idiot. You get past the first couple by jumping repeatably which sets up the incorrect understanding of how they work for the last one. On that one, I would get frustrated and desperate to get through and start pressing down or up as hard as I could during the whole manoeuvre without even realising that was the only reason I was making it through. Not until I read a guide a while later did I understand what was really happening.

Nah. You run through that broken tube room twice before you blow up the intact one.
Once on your way to get the power bombs and once more on your way back from the power bombs to the intact tube.
Not to say you can't get to the broken tube room from maridia. But there is two ways in. From the bottom room before you break the tube. As seen in
And from the the Left of the broken tube room after you've broken the tube and opened the one way gate.

What are you supposed to get out of this?

That the top room is the broken version of the previous tube room.
You are required to run through it on your way back to the intact tube room.
And the enemies in that room always drop power bombs.
put 2 and 2 together and you get "Maybe I should power bomb the tube room."

>game subtly hints you secrets
>you learn wall jumping and hyper jump from watching animals
>game actually requires to explore
>normies are too retarded for that so all games now include forced tutorials, everything is spoonfed and linear

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>That the top room is the broken version of the previous tube room.

>You are required to run through it on your way back to the intact tube room.

>And the enemies in that room always drop power bombs.
Jesus Christ, how many people do you think notice that?

>put 2 and 2 together and you get "Maybe I should power bomb the tube room."
That's a stretch and you know it.

Fuck spoonfeeding, just stick to your own fucking rules on how you present breakable objects.

You are full of shit.

Funny how you didn't mention the glass tube, which is what this thread is about. Because you know it's bullshit.

>game subtly hints you secrets
that covers it

>already knew about this before I even played Super Metroid
>still pretend that I figured it out on my own

Attached: fehehyh.png (214x197, 84.52K)

This is too subtle.

What's the hint?

Honestly the noob bridge was worse. I didnt own the damn instruction manual.

doc, be serious, I'm having a withdrawal here

get filtered, faggot

Attached: n00b bridge.png (514x435, 200.01K)

Seriously, what the frickin heck?

Attached: Cuphead.jpg (2525x1507, 1.02M)

>glass blocks the way
>see the same type of glass broken somewhere else
might as well try to break it
It's for people like you that games are getting dumbed down, you don't want to have to think
you just want to rush the game and feel immediate gratification from making progress before your short attention span forces you to drop the game
puzzles are dead and everything is streamlined now

>might as well try to break it
Yeah. Shoot it, bomb it, use x-ray. Huh, nothing happens. Maybe something else triggers the breaking or you go behind it at some point!

>try to break thing
>use everything but your strongest weapon

There is no other broken glass in the game (except for Mother Brain's tank).

Played super metroid for the first time a few years ago when it was on the wii u. I think it came with the early adopter bundle. The game was all intuitive as fuck, I didn't have to look anything up, and the only part that was at all annoying was just the controls for wall jumping, I understood from the animals what I needed to be doing it just wasn't very responsive.

If you got stuck here you are a fucking retard. There is a platform showing you can most likely get out, you should test every weapon you have. The people who get stuck are the same people who don't immediately test every button and menu item when they start a new game.

Why the fuck would you even do that other than trial and error?

Going by the game's established rules, your strongest weapon wouldn't break it. This one screen just stands as an exception for some reason.

I didnt get stuck on that part but I did get stuck three times while playing SM. But when I figured them out, I never felt like it was unfair.
Now fusion on the other hand had some bullshit """"puzzles"""".

>think you have to break this glass to move forward
>place powerbomb, wait 10 seconds, nothing happens
>come back to find it blown open later

They shouldn't have made the wait time so long for glass to break.

I would have preferred it if the little animals spoke and gave clear directions like "To perform the Shine Spark, press Down on the D-Pad after reaching top speed!" Throw in some witty dialog and maybe take away control from the player for a minute and you've got an A+ scenario.

Thanks for posting, faggot. Nobody gives a fuck.

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