Banned from humble with no reason given and support gets defensive...

>banned from humble with no reason given and support gets defensive, dodges the question if you ask what the infraction was
It's like they hate money.

Attached: 1566845149065.png (1200x630, 251.51K)

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go complain about it on reddit

how did you get banned from a store?

he probably uses a stolen credit card

>Humble Bundle added a DRM-free build of Etherborn to the Trove, but the current Monthly/Choice (and the Store) only offers a Steam key for that game
Why is IGN like this?

Probably chargeback scams or using a stolen credit card.

>OP is a literal nigger
>cries about it here

What a fucking bitch

Humble has a fair amount of cases where there's some nothing-infraction like giving away too many keys from a bundle for their liking (you're not supposed to do giveaways, apparently), getting banned, they don't tell you you're banned on the actual page (they send you an email or you're just not told until you ask support about it), user gets confused and makes a new account or asks support, it's the same payment-method as a banned account, repeat.

Attached: 1569125334579.png (131x201, 52.47K)

Fuck off, money is money you fucking simp bitch

>giving away too many keys from a bundle for their liking

Yeah, right. Literally fucking how would they EVER find that out?

you need to go back

I smell bullshit.

Ticking a bunch of stuff as gifts, or a lot of the Steam keys not being claimed by the same account. They *do* know, whether they care or not is case-by-case. Streamers get caught the most often since they record themselves giving away keys.

they know who redeems the codes? how does humble bundle operate?

It's amazing how this kind of ban is always because "no reason".

it tends to come across that way when they refuse to tell you the reason

Keep crying poorfag. explain whynthey would turn down money like who fucking cares it’s money

because you stole it, tyrone

It’s still a credit card this ain’t skyrim bro they still get the money chil the fuck down

bruh imagine simping for visa lmao

[citation needed]

because muh racism

why the fuck would they give a shit what you do with them after you pay them. like theyre gonna punish someone for buying a bundle for a game or two they want but already own the rest of i know humble is dumb but theyre not that dumb

explain what's so bad about using a credit card that's not yours

They expect you to just sit on the codes forever. Giving them away means someone else might not buy the bundle to get that game instead.

it's in their ToS matey, bundles are supposed to be for you and you alone unless you're gifting them (through humble). they don't like it if you give away the keys or gift too many things. they used to not care so much but then they got bought out by ign

Banning people for giving away codes sounds like a good way to lose a lot of their userbase. If that's true, it's stupid as hell considering a lot of people give away codes for games they already own.

you should go back to wherever place you came from where people care about fucking humble bumble.

So I should do a 360 and walk back to Yas Forums

yeah, I forgot Yas Forums was basically reddit nowadays. you're right.

>Yas Forums haet cheap games!
Next time you're sucking dick don't come up for an air-break.

fuck off, retarded buyfaggot. no one buys games in this retarded age, only the consoomers.


>why the fuck would they give a shit what you do with them after you pay them.
Honestly I don't know. The site does (or used to) have a gifting system for Steam keys. But I think that sends an email to the recipient who then must create a Humble Bundle account to claim the key. Maybe they don't want keys sent manually because it circumvents that system.

Fanatical, meanwhile, encourages users to share keys however the fuck they want:

my group of friends has been dumping shit for years without any issues (aside from codes expiring I guess) so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Unless you're offloading codes by the dozens every week I doubt they give that much of a shit

>hey everyone look how poor i am XD

You don't need to gift the keys through Humble itself they give you the codes so you can just copypaste them and then anyone who wants it just activates it through steam

I would rather be poor than admitting I'm a poorfag retarded consoomer looking for a bargain. If you're shopping on fucking humble bumble what the fuck are you if not a poorfag?

>You don't need to gift the keys through Humble itself they give you the codes so you can just copypaste them and then anyone who wants it just activates it through steam
But that's exactly what people supposedly get banned for doing. Read the thread.

lmao get fucked faggot

so when you go to the grocery store are you a stupid smelly dumb consoomer if you buy bread that's on sale