While I'm sure we're all super happy to get all this time to play vidya...

While I'm sure we're all super happy to get all this time to play vidya, we do all realize that everyone's overreacting to this virus--right?

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I'm glad that giant red circle is there, I wouldn't have seen the cat otherwise.

It could be a hula hoop

I mean 36,000 people have died in the US that probably wouldn't have yet. And I think its prudent to take measures to slow the spread now so hospitals aren't overloaded with patients all at once.

we're all overreacting until we stop overreacting and it starts to exponentially spread, and then we have another cool 100,000 dead.

Virus is bullshit sensationalism.
People are so eager to destroy the economy, and virtue signal against the people calling to open it. Vilifying them as not caring about human lives.

its a hamster ball

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>implying I care if some boomers die to Chinese flu


>not dying from the virus

get a load of these guys

its actually the selly-esther watts field

I mean, 60,000 died from the flu last year--80,000 from h1n1. Is it really worth destroying the economy to save a relatively small group of people who are health compromised anyway? Whos to say whether or not that potential 100000 wouldn't have died in the next 3 years anyway, since the vast, vast majority are obese/elderly

Literally just a flu that kills rich old faggots in my 3rd world shithole.

Burgers seem to be affected because they're china's bitch and yuros because they're boomer land.

I got it a few weeks ago. Was pretty much the same as swine flu. I got over it and now I feel fine. I really don’t get what the big deal is.

The virus mostly kill boomers and fatasses.
Boomers already ruined the economy for millenials and now they're ruining it again for zoomers too. Fatasses are already a strain on healthcare systems. If you live in a country with """free""" healthcare, realize that you're actually paying taxes to keep alive obese people who aren't responsible and accountable enough to take care of themselves so they take your money to pay doctors to take care of them instead.
To all the zoomers who will have trouble getting a decent pay- or any income at all- in the coming depression, remember that we did it to keep a bunch of boomers and obese people alive, who are probably going to die before the economy recovers anyway because they're already old or obese if not both.

To an extent we are overreacting yet we also still have 37k+ dead in the U.S. even with the restrictions and that's still expected to continue rising

>be a filthy enough person to contract not only corona but the swine flu as well
Do you let chinks just spit in your mouth or what.

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Why are you comparing numbers over years to a 2 month old disease that still hasn't peaked even WITH these extreme measures?

Nope, got it from grocery shopping late because I was waiting for my paycheck to come in.

Someone post the gif of the cat dancing please

Europes in way worse shape so consider yourself lucky. I think we have about 4x the death toll so far

I bet all those people that are health-compromised, plus the ones young that also die, plus all the people who suddely get apendicitis and fucking die because doctors have no time to treat “just gas bro” because everything is overloaded, and that have paid their taxes and contributed to mantain the system all their lives consider that yes, it is worth destroying the economy so they don’t fucking die.

60k in a year, yes. The US has had 37k deaths from corona in ONE month while everyone has been in quarantine. What do you think will happen to that number if everyone stops their quarantine now?

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The virus is overhyped

The repercussions of allowing global martial law to take place over a planned event are not

What the- is this real?


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If the preventative measures taken now will seem to have been useless in the future, it will mean that they actually worked.

Yeah man its fun to play video games while I watch states literally pass orwellian and totalitarian 'executive orders' as laws, install 5g towers so that wen its over they can turn them all on and burn us back into our homes for total subjugation.

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>its a Yas Forums suddenly become experts on virology and economics episode

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Reminder that it was manmade. The virus has HIV DNA. They are not gonna find a vaccine and we are all fucked forever.

You're a fool if you think it's an overreaction. Hospitals are being overloaded, and most countries don't have enough respirators or facilities to handle the amount of sick people. Italy is a mess, China is known to be covering up their actual numbers, but there are videos of bodies stacked in halls in hospitals, New York is digging mass graves. By itself it might not seem that bad, only a few percentages worse than influenza, but this is on top of everything else that health care systems have to deal with. The more people that get this all at once, the worse it affects the care of people in other ailments as well. But I guess with general ignorance and apathy this generation has a bunch of people dying and other people being affected because of the other implications of a pandemic do not matter to a lot of people. Videogames.

>Europes in way worse shape
*laughs in German*

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holy fuck that's like a 1000 a day...we're all gonna die.
Now imagine if we took NY out of the equation...oh no.

Holy shit is that real???

If the experts were as smart as you dicksuckers think, they would have given competent advice to policymakers, leading to the containment and extinction of the virus. Instead, every party involved screwed up massively, leading to a global pandemic.

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Europe isn't a country. The U.S. has the highest death toll of any one nation

Pretty much this.
I work at a hospital and I'm about to quit any day, everytime I drive to work, I see people out on walks with family, hanging out, chatting in the streets, having barbecues, etc.

People are too stupid to live and it literally takes a direct family member dying for them to take it seriously.

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>Hospitals are being overloaded
In overcrowded cities with poor hygienics.

>most countries don't have enough respirators or facilities
Because China is a fucking jew

>New York is digging mass graves
Because they are unclaimed, homeless, no identification, infected bodies. No sense in having a funeral for nobodies.

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>we all
Not people in the grocery or medical industries.

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Yes all those adult children healthcare workers dancing in the hallways sure are over loaded. Not to mention all the deaths by other means being lumped under Covid so hospitals get paid.

This, and the effective treatment for this flu gets attacked by the media as dangerous when its been tried and tested for decades

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>just the act of breathing becomes difficult
>"it's just a flu, bro"
>some random nigger can infect me because it somehow doesn't affect some people yet they carry it

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>3€ for a fucking disposable face mask

I bet if peoples leisure/entertainment was affected they would riot and round up Chinks.

Ah yes. Dr. Trumps miracle cureall

But there's plenty of evidence to show that this virus can just as easily kill or heavily affect even those who are perfectly healthy. The fact is we still don't fully understand this virus and that's the biggest issue, with how it can spread asymptotically it could have a drastically worse impact if people weren't isolating and social distancing, it wouldn't take much for it to get out of hand fast.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with the economy. If you let people go on their normal ways the virus could spread even rapidly, shutting down infrastructure, shutting down vital factories and plants and affecting the chain of goods.

You are painfully retarded. Seek euthanasia.
You mean RNA. It's just a type of virus called a retrovirus.
>thinking policymakers have your best interests in mind
naïve to the max.

Shills really are on the internet 24/7 arent they?

Virus is overblown, but the person put a mask on the cat because a zoo reported that a tiger tested positive about a week ago.

Overreaction is unfortunately necessary because there are legitimate sheep out there that would make it worse without them being scared to do nothing. If you are smart enough to realize this, your life hasn't changed all that much.

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Option A you let people go out and hundreds of thousands of people die.
Option B you force people to stay home and destroy the economy which kills hundreds of thousands of people but over the span of 10 years so it doesn't look like it's your fault.

The french doctor pushing for the use of chloroquine is a fraud trying to get his 5 minutes of fame. Look at this sleazy fuck.

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