Decided to do a playthrough after news about the remake came out. And then it hit me.

This game is a masterpiece...

RE thread

Attached: re4-leon.jpg (504x640, 96.03K)

why remake a gen 6 game?

Reminder that the gamecube release is the best way to play
Even the gc copy in dolphin is better than the PC release

Gamers today weren't around when RE4 first came out.

Capcom has been doing a thing with the RE series where they make a game and steal a ton of assets from it for profit. They are making this new castle RE8 game and are going to steal the assets from it for 4. Make a bunch of money for half the effort.


I did a playthrough a few months ago, just to see if what everyone says is true
yeah its really damn good once I got into the controls which at first were really fucking bad but I got used to it and started to really enjoy it after going into the church village onwards

It's an attempt to capitalize on the success of the remakes of 2 and 3.

7 is my favourite

Every reason
Try it


No. The objectively best version of RE4 is the PS4 port.

I coomed so much to Ada and Ashley back in the day. Is it normal to be nostalgic over what you used to fap to?

>This game is a masterpiece...
zoom zoom

I haven't played RE4 since the Wii release and finally got around to dl'ing the HD version. Can't decide on what weapon loadout to go with so I'm at chapter 2-3 and haven't bought or upgraded anything might just drop it after I beat the village chief, the castle onward is trash

How is it better than PC or X1X? Also, how does the Switch version still not have gyro?

Name a better game.

Now play RE5!

Attached: 17a6bf3a48c3c47b57c24a2dbd70e8a65ba92d9e_00.jpg (392x512, 30.81K)

RE1 to RE4 = 9 years
RE4 to now = 15 years

But I don't think it's a good idea to remake it because the game is still a masterpiece. And if the rumors are true and it's by the RE3make team, it's probably going to be a rushed mess that recycles a ton of assets.

because retards eat any shit capcom goobles up
>Replaying REmake1 again
>Cries internally knowing RE will ever get this attention of detail again

>7 is pretty good, controversial but personally I think it was a step in the right direction
>2 Remake is amazing, serious contender for best game in series
>immediately squander the goodwill with a cheap 3 Remake cashgrab
>immediately after announce a remake of 4
What the fuck are they doing? 4 holds up just fine and doesn’t need a remake. It’s just a cash grab. In the course of 3 games they’ve revived and then re-killed the series.

it's amazing how even memes that are trashy from the get-go can still be further diluted of any meaning

At least are assets from the 3.5 version...and have to convert to the RE engine soo at least there will be some affort

RE2make sold too well and Capcom's higher ups saw dollar signs.

Naah RE5 is just a worse version of 4.

never played a RE game before, never thought it was my thing

Just finished Leon's story on RE2 Remake and had a great time

What now?


Attached: REmake 2.png (600x600, 161.95K)

Now you drop the series. Because you've already experienced its peak. MAYBE play RE4, but that's about it.

>Cut content instead of adding it

>Naah RE5 is just a worse version of 4.
And it's still a 9/10

REmake cuts content too, and unlike RE2make the stuff it added sucked.

Oh bullshit nigga
Oh yeah It sucked soo bad that REmake2 reused the safeguard item from REmake1 and make it worse with stupid shit like breackable combat knifes lel

I want to impregnate Ashley-kun.

Holy shit just tried the demo for resident evil 5 on switch and holy fuck what an absolute nightmare. I had always avoided these games but the demo is free so I figured why not? Man I should have listened to my gut. Never again. What a dogshit game. I'll never touch another resident evil game again