Do you ever reload or savescum in games where perma death is a mechanic or you can fuck up your gameplay otherwise...

Do you ever reload or savescum in games where perma death is a mechanic or you can fuck up your gameplay otherwise? For example if the game has a time limit and you waste time unnecessarily?

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>Savescumming, or using quicksaves/saves in general to compensate for your lack of skill
No. Absolutely casual. The only saves that are allowed are at the beginning of an area. If you quicksave after every encounter because you weren't efficient enough or hate dying and redoing things you already did, or whatever other excuse you have, you are a shitty casual. Improve yourself.

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Yes, just for the fact that the game can glitch or some bug fucks something up.

Yes. Warband. I don't enjoy losing expensive gears , money and companions, so I savescum whenever I lose a battle.
If punishment for losing wasn't so severe I wouldn't... Except for in cases where the pathing ai on the overworld fucks up, or I'm not watching where I'm going.

Are you five years old?

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pathetic grumpy "oldfag"

If the game is heavily reliant on RNG yes, otherwise no.

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depends if the game is fair for example Doom2 vs plutonia fuck the devs who made plutonia walk 2ft 3 doors open revealing 500 hitscan chaingunners

>wearing 50k denars of plates
>still get killed in one hit by a desert bandit's cracked couched lance

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Yes. I don't have time to replay large swathes of gameplay just because the devs wanted to "challenge" me.

you don't need to savescum when you cheat from the start.

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Being captured and losing my army is punishment enough. Being set back so hard when the only thing you could have done better was have even more stacked troops just feels tedious. There's no reward for overcoming a failure. It's funner to take risks and see if you can pull off a win, and then savescum if you lose.

Is she gonna be okay?

I dont understand. Is she a vampire? Why does her heart beat if so?


People like you are why video games are fucking terrible now, you refuse to improve your own skills and instead either outright cheat or demand the game is dumbed down to your level.

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>take risks
>savescum if you lose
Wow what a risk.

pathetic grumpy "oldfag"

I smoke cigarettes, dip is degenerate.

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Hell no. If the point of the game is to risk it all, bypassing that just because I didn't want to "lose progress" would be missing the damn point.

It took me three save files of ZeroRanger before I finally beat the last level and I enjoyed every second of it.

she appears to have fangs in the second panel

>over 3000 instances of this post in the archives
sorry for your autism

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You're not listening. Most battles are determined by the army composition and rng. In order to not lose, you have to pick your battles very carefully. I don't like doing that all the time, because it's boring. If you go into a battle that you'll probably lose, there's really nothing you can do better if you were to redo the battle. At best you could do a better job of not getting knocked out at the start, but this is assuming you're the last member of your army standing at the end.

lmao now you are just lying

the only time I remember savescumming was a brand new rimworld colony where a stray bullet hit a muffalo in the middle of a raid and the entire herd of 30+ muffalos went ballistic

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savescumming removes all risk from gameplay and makes you not feel like you've earned any victories. if you just take what comes by you, you might get fucked over more often but itll make your victory that much sweeter when you finally do overcome it. honestly games should remove quicksaving, it should only be autosaves or checkpoints. that or there should be a penalty for loading quicksaves, like maybe all your stats are the exact way they were before you loaded it or something.

I savescummed a shitton in MGS5, not due to failure though

Go offline, farm materials, exit, backup save, go online, 90% of materials go online, repeat, etc

It was either that, or fucking fulton 10000 crates just to unlock every weapon.

Losing is its own punishment. The feeling of failure as well as the time spent on the battle is what I'm risking. I can't savescum in real life.

>Most battles are determined by the army composition and rng
no they aren't, i have soloed entire sieges in prophesy of pendor with 1000 defenders with just my combat focused lord with a ruby rune two handed sword. You're just afraid to admit you're shit and rely on your army being stronger than the enemy because you apparently don't know how to manual block, use evasive footwork, controlling swing starts, etc.


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I want to fuck that dummy vampire

Sounds like you're puffing yourself up when in reality you used the strongest weapon in PoP in combo with exploiting ai pathing in sieges. If we're using OP builds and weapons with ai exploits then really you could unite all of Pendor by yourself.

No, it's part of the experience
Also git gud