Which one to buy

Only have money right now for one of these 2, which one Yas Forums?

Ps4 versions*

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Both, you poor cunt.

I haven't played spider Man but I can vouch for re2r on how much of a great game it is

We’re in a global crisis faggot, I’m not going to spend 60 in games rn

RE2 was just on sale, why the fuck did you wait?

I know, didn’t catch it, sad af

Spider man, it's only like 20 bucks right now I think.

Spider-Man will be on Plus in a year or two, or a launch PS5 port.

He doesn't have passive income

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RE2 for sure

SpiderMan complete edition has been $15 and RE2R $20.
If you can't afford both then you shouldn't be playing video games.

>repetitive mission based ""'open world""" Ubisoft tower fetch quests simulator with Bam Ham combat and Marvel™ quips
>the best, most tightly paced horror game and remake in years that requires just as much planning as it does mechanical skill
Hmmm, tough choice. I'd say go with Spiderman OP, it's a better fit for your IQ since you had to ask this question
(Pro tip; the Japanese game is usually always better)

He missed RE2 I just got that shit for 20 bucks

Spiderman because it's exclusive. Better off playing RE2 on PC.

Spiderman, but buy the GOTY edition.

If $60 is make or break, you can't buy either one.

both are cgeap and solid, go for both. itll run you 40 altogether

Forgot to ask too, which one is longer?
I know SM can be like 50 hours but I’m not a completionist

Both, if you can afford it, otherwise RE2 first.

Let’s say it’s about time too, ill get the other one when i finish the other, i just want to get something now, and I want to hear which one would be better to get first

RE alone is 40

Im guessing RE2 first it is
Any idea of how long it is?

Spiderman is longer for sure, but the only reason hours would matter is if you're poor or underaged and your parents will only buy you one game this month.
RE2 is shorter but higher quality, imo I'd rather buy a 7 hour well paced excellent game than a 50 hour alright game with a decent amount of padding and repetition.
I've played enough games in my life and can afford any game I want, so the idea of "1000 hour rpg!!!" doesn't excite me like it did when I was younger, now I just want a quality experience with good pacing and whether it's long or short is irrelevant

Spiderman. Way more game. Better too. No contest.


No idea why in the name of fuck would you want to play a Resident Evil game.

Shitty ass franchise.

Totally agree. I like shooters and stuff, but lately I’ve been going back to short games like TLOU and stuff just because they end quickly and are engaging the whole run, the endless game becomes a little dumb when you have a life outside videogames
Thank you for your sincere response

neither lol

stop being poor and american

Spiderman with all its DLC are 20 bucks right now retard.

what is reading comprehension

Spider-Man is really fun but kind of forgettable too. Just pick it up once there isn’t anything else out you want to play.

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You should check out some older games. When I was burned out on vidya, short and sweet games like Katamari Damacy, Chrono Trigger (only like 17 hours long for a jrpg), Ghost Trick etc. felt really really good to play.
Lurk 3x3 threads or browse /vr/ for recs

Both have good gameplay.
Spider-man if you want a good story with kino moments, re2 if want 6 hours of fan, with meh story.

I get neetbux and can buy any game I want

Thanks for the recs

Spider-Man took me around 30 hours to 100% everything, around 40 with dlc. The pacing is great if you don't want to do side missions, even though some are actually fun.

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