
Wait, so am I reading this right? NieR Replicant is getting a remake, but the version us gaijins got NieR Gestalt isn't? What the fuck?

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Based dad NieR is better than twink brother I dont care what weebs say

just buy the dlc diary if you want to play as popnier silly gaijin

How does that work?

maybe we'll find out more on their livestream next week. papa Nier really grew on me.

It's an incentive to play it again for non-Japs, and incentive not to refuse to buy it for Japs.

wow, a version that developers were force to make by their publisher isn't getting remade now that the developers are bigger and don't have to take shit from their publisher? Amazing...

>were force to make by their publisher

>mfw Nier 1 running 60

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And I am glad to finally get to play the original version, hopefully with the E implemented into the game.

Papa Nier was literally made because the marketing team wanted to release the thing in west as well, and they thought that pretty bois do not sell in America.

because the clown world no longer needs big and silly heroes. they need gay twinks so here you are.

They were right honestly. Lone dad fighitng for his kid is a big trope in the west, and even now people still want that version despite knowing that it's not the original. Thankfully Automata blew up so fucking hard that they don't need that marketing gimmick anymore.

They were absolutely right, twinks don't sell in the west at all, not back in the day at least, but now that most male americans that actually play games are flaboyant faggots, that might not be true anymore

>"twinks don't sell in the west"
>when Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy were ridiculously popular

>mfw Nier 1 running 60fps with dips to 45 in the Village, Facade and The Aerie
Had to switch back to 30 because cutscene/audio desync made me want to end my life.

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>Lone dad fighitng for his kid is a big trope in the AMERICA

>twinks don't sell in the west at all
I could name you a dozen "weeb" games that are world-wide smash hits.

My only gripe with Gestalt is the forced dub.

this time they should have no excuses, it's been 10 fucking years
plus it's not platinum working on the remaster so 45fps should not be an option

>the dub that's objectively one of the GOAT

Papa nier on xbox was made purely for the sake of appealing to westerners

It worked.

no it didn't
the twinks in automata were far more successful

We already have the dad version, none of the stageplays/novellas/interpretive dance sessions or anything else from Taro's bizzare obsession with keeping canon away from actual videogames refer to papa nier, there is one line of item description in the ENGLISH LOCALIZATION ONLY of automata that references him.

The dub is unironically better than the Japanese original. I certainly hope they keep the same cast for the remake, and maybe cast 9S as the Nier.

Here come the ironic weebs

>complaining about weebs on a chinese cartoon picture forum

>Papa Nier was literally made because the marketing team wanted to release the thing in west as well, and they thought that pretty bois do not sell in America.
Again asking for source, from what I know Taro made that decision himself.

So you don't want replicant, which never made it to the west, to come?
The western ps3 version won't stop existing you know.

>Based dad NieR is better than twink brother I dont care what weebs say

Dad Nier is twink brother Nier anyway. Gestalt was such a half hearted effort they didn't even bother doing rewrites, it's just a find-replace for brother>dad in the script, and it shows.

>from what I know Taro made that decision himself.
This is the first time I've heard of such claim in these 10 years.

I'm glad, sad dad drama is a meme trope that's completely overdone at this point

I always wanted to play Replicant but it was never accessible.

Should I play Drakengard before playing Nier before playing 2Bs Game?

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almost every cutscene in this game was done in-engine, i noticed. why didn't Automata do the same?

everything is an overdone trope you fucking retard, nice job letting everyone know you've read ten books in your life. it's all about execution.

>Drakengard 3
>Drakengard 1
Hell no.

Drakengard is an absolutely miserable experience to play through.
Drakengard 3, emulated, isn't that bad, because the fps is consistent.

Automata uses Platinum's in house engine, it probably isn't capable of it.

>I'm glad, sad dad drama is a meme trope that's completely overdone at this point
My gf reads romance books (60+) by Nora Roberts
Ask her what an overdone trope is and come back again

Yes. Drakengard 2 and 3 are optional in this case, but Drakengard 1 leads directly to Nier.