Fire Emblem Heroes

"Roll for us when our banner comes out user!"

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Glad I uninstalled this year.


>playing gacha for any reason

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Why the fuck are they kids now

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Imagine paying for pictures

Imagine paying

This banner has been less of a powercreep and more of a powersprint.

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>subscription service
no thank you

oh wow what the fuck

Quoting the ever-celebrated Angry Video Game Nerd: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

That shit is effective against almost 60% of the units available in the game and has free Vantage just for an extra fuck you with sugar added. And she comes with DC included. This is fucking retarded.

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go away gachautist

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i only roll for myrrh

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You can still defeat the child as long as you remember that magic is everything

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>This kills the game.

I don't know but I'm fine with it as long as it means Minerva gets an alt.

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Effective against bo-

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Show me your +10 Myrrh and Halloween Myrrh

So what happens if she attacks an armor with a sword/lance/etc? x4 damage?

This is unprecedented. Every weapon before this targeted either a weapon type or a move type, but this targets both.

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I messed up big time, rolling on the double heroes banner in an attempt to get Eirika. Didn't even get her.

Glad there's another banner that's letting me save up orbs.

I haven't played since either Brave Hector or Duma (whichever came out last) but I'm reinstalling for the Minerva alt.
How fucked am I when it comes to readjusting?
I'm just in it for the alt then backing out again.

congrats, go blog about it somewhere else autist

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Such is the fate of all gacha.

What is the catch here?

It seems to be too much bullshit to have good stats.

There is not catch, she's just the new powercreep.

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What catch? She comes with DC equipped and an exclusive skill that turns her into a Whitewing on steroids, along having a reusable Duo skill.

And she's a loli, you can bet your ass she'll have trainee 170+ BST.

How the fuck are they gonna top this?
Are the new CYL units just going to have skills that literally fucking delete all enemies of a certain color at the start of battle?

Palla's lance is way more powerful than this. So why is this the thing everyone are freaking the fuck out about?

You know, my bad, I'm actually mixing Shiida and Palla's weapons. I need to sleep.

Palla's is crazy but situational
Meanwhile Caeda can just erase over half the cast with no set up necessary.

>Need flier team

Nah Tsubasa still mop half of map with little issues.

>*kills you*
heh, nothin' personel kid

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The catch is she's a flying unit who also gets distant counter and a unique skill which gives her +5 Atk & Def while also making the enemy lose -5 Atk & Def.
Dragons, beasts, mages (especially tanky blue ones), staffs, daggers, and coloured bows (blue especially) can still fight her just fine.

>more soulless powercreep right after the banner where they powercreeped DC and CC
No thanks. FEH is killing itself with this ridiculous powercreep. I used to roll to get my favorite units cool new skills to play with, but power creep happens so fast and hard now there's literally no point bothering. The following banner will just powercreep it again. And with prfs and stats getting powercreeped, my old units can't keep up anyway even with shiny new skills and dragonflowers. I really just don't care anymore. If I can't beat something in 2 or 3 tries I just give up. Not worth my time. I don't even bother with Abyssals at all.

No, she's simply effective against armor. Dragon Armor, Dagger Armor, Beast Armor, Tome Armor, Weaponless Armor. Nevermind the fact she comes with Distant Counter, and built-in vantage (with melee, bow or armor vantage 100% no matter what), she hits everything. She simply SUPER EFFECTIVE against even more.

>FEH is killing itself with this ridiculous powercreep
lol, and not because it's a fucking gacha game which literally is not even a video game, it's a real money jpeg roulette. The delusion some of you "people" have...

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>I don't even bother with Abyssals at all.
You don't have Lyn / Reinhardt and 2 dancers?


>I don't want to play this FREE video game
>what a waste of my...........time? YEAH! My valuable TIME.