When you see it

>when you see it

Attached: wat.jpg (1680x1050, 828.86K)

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Not really. Good game anyway.

>youtuber releases video
>all the zoomies come out of the fucking woodwork to post about this 'hidden gem'
Fuck off and die please.

Can you tell me what youtuber? I like watching videos about easter eggs and shit. unless the person talks too much.

Yeah who did a severance video?

Honestly a youtuber is more trustworthy than this shithole.

Wow a plus sign, what do I win?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-17.png (197x168, 44.99K)

>remember this game from a magazine demo i found
>finally get this game working on a recent computer
>make two threads o Yas Forums about it


jesus fucking christ you zoomers are pure cancer

Your kind made it that way zoomer.


iron pineapple

>they actually watch youtubers then complain about people who play the games that their beloved e-celeb has played

fucking pathetic


Your health is restored.

>Zoomers are such braindead pod people they need a talking head on Youtube to tell them about good games

Attached: 1525501789871.webm (480x360, 643.98K)

Why is Severance not on GOG anymore?

sorry, i completely forgot we're not allowed to talk about games that pseudo-celebrities from youtube already played.

You would unironically be better off not talking about them within the first few months of their videos release anyways.
Discussion is ALWAYS garbage tier when some random e-celeb informs the normalfag masses about a game and they want to talk about this "hidden gem" they totally discovered on their own.

they remind me of my 12 year old nephew literally crying when me and his dad told him fortnite was't really considered an old game

>Discussion is ALWAYS garbage tier when some random e-celeb informs the normalfag masses about a game and they want to talk about this "hidden gem" they totally discovered on their own.
Yes because zoomers pretending to be boomers whine about how some e-celeb made a video about it nonstop as if it improved their anonymous Laotian stop motion imageboard cred

Reminder that if you didn't play through this game as the barbarian, you played the game wrong And if you only beat it with the amazon, you're a faggot

tried to get this game running but keeps crashing after the first cinematic, even after applying the patch.

me too


Attached: Swastikatree.jpg (205x162, 16.61K)

Game needs some sort of an update and put on steam or gog. Considering getting Rune Classic since I never played it either.

Severance is shit jankware

Was it Mandalore or Sseth

Attached: 1.jpg (1589x1012, 420.42K)

pretty great for its time you know

Codemasters lost the distribution rights and the new holder doesn't want it on gog for whatever reason.

name something better of the same type from 2001.

Neither. It was some literally who washed up dark souls YouTuber
