What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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loooooong cutscenes and all the characters are boring no-dime shitters.

familial bonding
Roman deserved a better life

Best driving in any GTA game. No joke.

A boring game but a good tech demo.


The last decent GTA game we’ll ever get

an absolute buggy trainwreck if youre on PC



If you get a call from your cousin to hang out, you better go spend time with him each and every time.

Nope, it took skill and added a lot to the missions while you were driving under duress.


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added even more to multiplayer where car chases actually required skill

Keep it to fortnite

the radio stations were ass cheeks compared to VC/SA

>It took skill
Faggot the chases are literally scripted and they rubberband ahead of you if you catch up.

big american titties

Nah if this sucks I’ll go back to Total Warhammer

unlikable slavic shthead bumbles through life

Controlling the vehicle takes skill above simply holding the accelerator and steering. It really isn't relevant if the game rubber bands.

Dying at the end of a 25 minute mission then spawning at the other end of the map then driving to where the mission you just failed is start

came to post this

but this if you can run it, graphic modding

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Soul but also awful performance and clunky cars

Still need to play both dlc's but it's the 2nd best rockstar game behind RDR2. Why the fuck didn't they add a mission select feature in 4 though? They had one in fucking saint's row 2

let me guess you like the nigger from 5?

They added mission select and scoring in TBoGT

The last decent GTA game, anyone who thinks V is better is actually in denial.

50fps cap

Lol I don’t agree with him but you’re so defensive

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none of the GTA protags are likable in any fucking way

Isn't it the point that they're all unlikable scumbags?

i like claude