Choose your destiny

choose your destiny

Attached: fps.png (600x500, 43.31K)

C is the only Correct answer

Obivously A. no contest for the others.


1080p 144fps

1440p 120fps


why not choose A since the human eye can't see more than 24 fps?

60 FPS is plenty and max resolution is ideal. Would've been a different choice if it had been 4k 30fps.

A for consoles
C for PC

C for cunny.

the human eye doesnt know what fps is

1440p 60fps because I have a 60 Hz monitor.

Attached: 34.jpg (400x400, 42.61K)

Unironically 8k 30FPS

c but limit fps to 60

Attached: chad coloured.jpg (973x1200, 119.22K)

1440p 144fps

i have motion sickness.
my destiny has already been chosen
A it is

the fuck is this, the amount of pence you'd pay and the amount of FPS you can buy with it? I don't get it

1080p is the perfect resolution and I won't be moving from it for the foreseeable future because frames are more important
720p is too low

If it's a stable framerate, A. If it's not, C.

I thought low fps was the most prone to giving motion sickness

i'd probably go with C. higher than HD resolutions is cool, but you really dont notice it unless youre looking for it.

I am not a retarded normalfag obsessed with muh realistik graphicss1!!

Make D 244hz dumbass.

There doesn't need to be a choice with PC. 1440p 144fps and cheers to the future.
Console niggers have to cope with 1080p and unlocked framerate that can't manage to stay above 50fps.

I'll take one B chief

this should say
4k 60fps/60hz
1440p 120fps/120hz
1080p 144fps/144hz
720p 240fps/240hz

as it stands now there's literally no reason to take C in that image.

E. Buy a computer good enough to play 1080p at 240hz

720p 30fps is all you really need
Anything higher is excessive

anything above 144fps is not discernible, pointless

1080p 60fps
anything else is midlife crisis boomer shit.

>all the 1080plets ITT

1080p 60fps

You can barely notice between 4k and 1080p using sharpening filters.
Meanwhile 60 fps and 120 fps is noticeable and affect's the feeal of the game.

E. 720p 30fps

B sounds way better


Are this spic presets? Who still has a toaster that can't at least run 1080/144

1440p 144hz if youre not broke

i'll take 1080p60

A of course.

60+ frame rate is a complete meme. It is only noticeable in FPS games and racing games, and the difference isn't anywhere near enough to warrant the loss in quality. 4k is the standard for current gen. 1080p is literal blurry youtube shit.

99.999% of games are made exclusively with 60 FPS in mind (or 30 fps for consoleshit exclusives).

>1080p is the perfect resolution
Do consolefags really think this?

>being a settling beta poorfag

Do you even own a monitor that goes about 60hz?
What a crock of shit.

It's always poorfags who are coping hard by saying 1080p is all they need. 4k is the new standard. 4k makes 1080p look like a compressed to hell youtube video

Depends on the game, A is better for strategy games, but C is better for fighting games


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Consoles can go over 60 FPS now?

My nigga

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